how the schedule to teach my baby 3 languange in a day


i;m haridah from malaysia

i have a baby 6 month old…

i’m planing to teach my daugter 3 languange… that is malay, english and arabic…

but i just want the idea, how to teach my baby this three languange in a day… is that i have to have 3 set flash card each languange…

and how the method to me to show the card to her…

Hi haridah,
welcome to d club!you r in the right track :nowink: From your post,I’m sure this is your first time being here.I’m from malaysia too.Nice knowing malaysian in this forum.
I also wish to teach my baby foreign language too.But in this time,I just concentrate to one foreign language first;which is English language;teaching and keep on practising it everyday at home.My plan is teach this language first and for time being slowly add on teaching other language, arabic + mandarin and perhaps japanese or french.I’m sure you are malay,and I suggest you no need to teach malay language to your baby,because they will understand naturally,(from the daily speak,environment,& people around her). Honestly,I don’t have fix schedule and did not plan to have it,(I’m a working mother,so its difficult to have a schedule 8) )but I can suggest you; do it separately,maybe english in morning and evening,and teach arabic at night.Or maybe,doing flash card in english,and for the arabic word,just stick it at wall.

Beside,u can find in this forum,so much of topic of teaching different language.You may get some idea and opinion to do it. :wink:

Haridah,knowing this site and forum is totally inspired me and really give me so much of knowledge to raising my lovely baby balqys and dhya.To be a brilliant baby,of course! :biggrin: Hope you will get the same thing too.

Glad to share
Qisdhi mom :clown:

My daughter is almost 7 months old and we are teaching her English, Spanish, Mandarin and German. It was a huge mess at the beggining because I was trying to do everything. We decided the main languages were English and Spanish since we live in the States, English is my husband’s native language and Spanish is mine. So we teach most of the materials in these two languages. For te other two langages we divided this way: Monday and Wednesday’s we use the materials that we have in German. Tuesdays and Thursdays we use the material that we have in Mandarin (DVD’s, LR presentations and music). On Fridays we do music (Trebellina and Themes to Remember).

Hope this helps a little bit. :smiley:

You can do that in two ways:

  1. Assign a language to each day, so Sunday is malay, monday is English and Tuesday is Arabic…


  1. Assign a language to each parent …eg. you teach malay and the baby’s father english … this way one of the two parents would have to be responsible of two languages (for example malay and arabic) and can rotate those day in and day out… this way it would be:
    Sun: mom: arabic, dad: english,
    Mon: Mom: malay, dad: english
    and so on :wink:

wah… thank you for the reply… :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Hi Haridah & Qisdhi mom. I’m from malaysia too.

I’m teachin my 15mo daughter to speak english, malay and araic too. The other languages I’m teaching but with low priority are japanese and french.
but I will be overjoyed and truly blessed if she could memorize the whole quran at young age. So far, I don’t know how to do that yet. lol

Glad to know you two.

Original Poster:

I would start with 2 languages and find my groove with that, then add in the third. What ever is the school language, I would place the least amount of emphasis on it, because once baby goes to school, she’ll be steeped in the language of academia.

What you could do is do a normal Flashcard routine in one language, (Tamil) and then keep Arabic flashcards around the house for more specific things. For example, keep Arabic words around the kitchen (fridge, shelf, table, and such) and whenever you are feeding baby, show her the words in Arabic. (Do you want MORE CEREAL?, Mommy is going to pour more CEREAL in your BOWL now, ok?" with the caps words being flashcards that you hold up and show when saying these words.

Also, put labels up all over the house. Give each language a clear font and a different color. Perhaps RED (Tamil), GREEN (Arabic) and PURPLE (English) do not use similar looking colors, such as yellow and orange or orange and red. Make all language labels and cards in the correct language and practice whenever you can, you dont need a strict regiment or routine, though routine would be nice. I dont know what else you do or how much time you have with the baby, so focus on doing atleast a dozen household labels a week and put them up as you go. Stick each one on the wall with good sticking tape and point them out when you’re nearby.

Use any Dvd or programs you can to enforce and then just relax, it will come or not come. Little enough you can do to force the issue and if you are stressed or not feeling your best, YOU shouldn’t be teaching your little one at that time.

If you figure out how to teach your young child the entire Quran do let me know.

I am using a program called Juz30 and also QuranReciter to learn more Quran myself, as I dont have any children yet.

However, I’ve thought of ways to teach a baby/toddler Quran and I’m thinking that I might make PPT presentations with audio and one ayat per slide, and then hook the computer up to the TV to show the Quran to the baby. If we do 1 juz a month from birth to 5, I think that she’ll be very familiar with it and learn easily when its time for her to learn the Quran.

yes mom2bee. that’s what I’ve been doing and I don’t if that’s the correct way to go. I hope I don’t regret anything when she’s 5 or 6 and I’d go; gosh, I should’ve done that! :laugh: So far I have 26 shortest surah, one ayat per slide (including 3 surah uploaded by mwiederrecht). I wanted to upload them all to the forum but I haven’t contacted mwiederrecht yet, in case she is working on the rest of the surahs… . but it’s not PPT, it’s the LR format.

I love your idea about labelling the items in the house. I have some images in my head, I will turn my house into a fancy kindergarten. My daughter don’t have prolem with LR at all. The problem will come only when I close the application lol she can sit there 1-2 hours sometimes we can cover ALL slides/languages each session. Will there be any side effect if I continue this…

but for LM, I have to bribe her with nursing her during the session…but I don’t want to be off topic :slight_smile:

I asked myself the same question (not that my daughter would sit in front of LR for an hour!)
I think that children switch off after a while, which is why screen time should be limited, in my opinion.
I really believe it’s more effective to have short sessions often. She might be taking a lot in though, even at the end of this hour. I’d love to see some research!

For now our son learns English and Chinese daily. There’s at least a 10 minutes break between sessions of different languages.
I don’t give him one after the other because Chinese uses different parts of the brain, comparing to English and it may be tiring - although for a baby’s brain (a spunge waiting for information to come in and creat pathways) it’s not the same as for my brain. Me and my husband, each time we learn Chinese (he’s studying to be a sinologue), we feel tension in the same parts of the brain after a while. So we have to take a break.
Also, to give the brain some time off, either me and my son play with each other, or play some game, or we sing together or listen to a song - music soothes the brain after a lesson.
(When it comes to my son, I’m empathic in a way. Sometimes I can feel what he feels.)

Spanish and French will be introduced on a weekly basis at first. Italian will be introduced daily because it’s the one I can speak with ease (but I have to cover up some vocabulary gaps) - he’ll be “immersed” in Italian, just like he’s immersed in English and Romanian.

Later edit:
Spanish, starting from now, is on a daily basis too.
All in all, every lesson (math/LM - that he loves very much, by the way -, LR, foreign languages) comes in short sessions (2- 5 minutes), spread all day long, at least twice a day. Only YBCR is the longest one (up to 20 min) because it’s his favourite English lesson and has his favourite songs.
I’ve wondered myself many times how is it possible to have so many sessions in a day? Well… we do it after he wakes up in the morning and plays a bit, before meals (not immediately after because it’s tiring for the eyes - the blood mainly takes care of the digestion system in those moments, not of the eyes), before going outside, after taking a bath, before and after taking a nap etc. I’m so excited to show him all those things that he’s started to be excited about them too so he asks the lessons with great joy! I would never ask for a math lesson or at least be glad about it, but he does!
(I keep track of what we do every day using a customized table that I’ve printed using MSWord).


thanks for the tips! They’re really useful :slight_smile:

gee… I think I should deal with the screaming next time. I don’t want to stress her eyes or rain whatever… :laugh: …I keep a jurnal and record of her sessions too. I will add more columns for the language session.

Considering the type of learner the baby is, maybe we should adapt the language teaching to his way of learning.
For instance, labeling things in the house doesn’t work for my baby. But if I pronounce the word often or he sees an animation with sound, he remembers it fast. That’s why I prefer watching DVD’s, videos, songs etc with him and learn the languages/songs/words myself - by talking to him or singing in those languages he gets it and repeats it after a very short while.

since my baby is sitll young I 'd like to expose her with all sort of learning. I too tend to stop or minimize the things she doesn’t like and go all out for the things she does like but to give it a second thought the brain cells are still developing and still making their connections. So, I prefer not to limit her abilities. I did a poll recently on what kind of learner your baby is and I thought my baby is visual and sometimes auditory but another opinion posted there thinks it’s too early to decide on that or if she likes math or music more or if your baby lefty or right-handed. Everything is controlled by diffrent part of the brain. I don’t know that till I read the post. Or else, I would have beginning to teach my baby according to her learning styles.

I started limiting our sessions today and it turns out well. My husband will take one language and I ask him to speak proper language with no shortforms. We don’t have any other language beside those two we did try to learn japanese when we’re working together but we did not finished the course :biggrin:

Love to hear from other moms on how they teach their baby languages…

I’m not talking about limiting. Just about customizing the methods: using the same elements in a different way. He doesn’t like flashing cards, but he loves LR or LM, for instance.
As another example, I’m making my own books, on card paper, with words written big on a page, and a picture (from coloring pages, colored by me), on the other. I make books considering what I want him to find out about (mammals in Romania, insects, transportation, science etc.). Also, I’m thinking of creating language books based on what he learns in the programmes we use etc… (The more I read on this forum, more ideas come into my mind and I find out we, as parents, can make/find great tools for our children).

It’s very useful to nourish his love for books or foreign languages by using the same thing: labelling… and it’s a good way to learn to read too, I think.
Maybe later he’ll enjoy seeing and reading words on cards next to things in the house. Maybe we can find a game like match the word with the real thing, who knows how many ideas can come…

Surely every method we find is good and just using only some of them thinking of certain patterns is not useful for the kid. Diversity is what makes the brain pick up a lot, isn’t it?

Hi Andrea…do you mind sharing your BK multi language schedule, how do you arrange the sessions…both LR and LM…
I have PM’ed you :slight_smile:

I’m sorry, it seems I wasn’t clear in the last messages. LR and LM for us is only in English (a foreign language for us). I prefer to use a different educational program for each type of language. So we have Little Pim for Spanish and WinkToLearn for Chinese.
This is what we have been using frequently. This is my idea of using more the right brain than the left brain. Instead of teaching him only the same things in different languages, this way he’s learning how to name different things too.

Plus, he’s learning English with Trebellina too. So I use different programs for many purposes.


Which is your native language? Do you follow any particular schedule with English , spanish and Chinese?

Hi, as I said on “introducing foreign language”, Romanian is our native language.

We use, for English, LR, twice a day, i.e. two sessions of LR a day, in average. LM for us is in English too. It teaches our son both math and English and he likes if I like it, once a day on average. Also, I speak English with him when he names or says something in English or whenever I feel like it during the day.
Later edit: I forgot that we also use YBCR. It’s usually on a weekly basis, though sometimes it can be more often, if our son wants it.

Little Pim is used daily, at least a lesson a day. And I speak Spanish to him using vocabulary from Little Pim whenever I get the chance.

Chinese, with WinkToLearn it’s paused for now. But I keep his interest high with lyrics from “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” in Chinese - a song he looooooves so much.

As it is so beautiful outside and we have a lot of stuff to do, I don’t have a schedule with hours etc., but an objective, if you like. LR, LM and Little Pim are part of his daily teaching but we use them only when I think it’s ok for him and he agrees (by showing a "I-can-hardly-wait-face :wink: or by asking the lessons).

Thanks andrea.
One last question. Where do you get Twinkle Twinkle in Chinese. Is it from a CD or any product we can buy?
Have you came across it in you tube?
I think it would be excellent for my 6 week old grandaughter.