How soon can you start EK?

I am very interested in teaching my son Encyclopedic Knowledge and as an audiologist, I will soon have a baby more knowledgable about the anatomy and physiology of the ear and hearing than most people! LOL!

But my question is, when to start teaching EK? He is only four months old and we are currently working on 5 family words, 5 home words and 5 body parts. We are also doing the numbers 1-10 (Doman style dots). Where should I go from here and what EK can i introduce and when? Thanks everyone! Would love to hear what you did for your bubs at this age?


I believe it is fine to start EK if you arre already doing the dots and reading. It the same as dots 10 catergories a day 3x a day 5 times per week.

Thanks Kimba, what would you recommend starting with? Did you do something that related to your bub’s daily experience or something you were passionate about or just something random? I don’t know where to start!

Do you have the book “How to give your child Encyclopedia Knowledge” by Glenn Doman?

That is a great place to start. To be honest I started with Australiana sort of stuff Aussie Animals, Aussie monuments Aussie plants and prime ministers and such and such. but then I downloaded heaps from this website and then used them to make power point presentations and split the ten catergories into 5 each which was 100 power point slides for each one shown twice a day. I found twice a day enough for me and my daughter. I also had the word and the picture split. So Sophia would see the word first and then the picture.

Then after a while I stopped as she began to lose interest as she got older. I also use tweedle wink DVDS she really enjoys those particularly the perfect pitch section.


Thanks Kimba, I have ordered the book and am waiting for the postman to deliver my package of 7 Doman books! Hopefully by next week! I guess i’m probably jumping the gun a bit by asking all these questions before reading the book, my apologies! How old is Sophia now? Does she still remember these Aussie themed slices of knowledge? Well done on helping to develop her passion about her country!

I see you are interested in the different type of acivities of early education. I also will need to get organized and work out a good schedule for my grandchild that is due on february.
Maybe we can share our schedules… but i am starting 6 month from now. :yes: :yes:

I started EK with my grandson not that early because when i knew about them (or have access to the cards) he was almost 2 yrs. But he was very excited everytime i ask him to see some cards. After a month, he was telling me the facts as if he was the teacher and i the student.

Know he is 3 month before 5 years and still has EK as one of his favorites.
I am convinced the earlier you start, the better.