How often does your newborn feed?

My newborn girl keeps on feeding every 1.5 hours. Despite this, she feels very grumpy.

Anyone out there having the same problem?

When she is hungry :slight_smile: anything from 45 min to 2.5 hours…

when my son was a baby, usually it takes two hours. Sometimes he get hungry sooner.

I remember it being between 2 and 3 hours but during growth spurts it was more like 45-1.5 hours.

My boy’s feeding time varies …

1st month :- Every 3 hours
2nd month :- Every 2 hours…During growth spurts…it could be around 1.5 hrs to 1.45 hrs
3rd month till now going to 4th month :- Every 3 hours and at night…could be extended to 4 hours plus thankfully! :yes:

Urbandad - is your baby on formula or breastmilk? If the latter are you bottlefeeding or nursing? It really depends. Breastmilk gets digested faster so baby will get hungry more quickly. If bottlefeeding you can usually monitor how much your baby feeds and get a feel for how much and how soon to feed again. If nursing, then just go with the flow - as and when she wants to feed. In the early days of breastfeeding, you have to feed frequently to establish the milk supply.

It also depends on the size of your baby. I was told that if you breastfeed, it should be at least every two hours and for about 20 minutes. My son was 4.5kgs at birth and would be stuck to my breast for 2 hours and then he would stay in the nursery for 6 hours straight before he wanted to nurse again. So when it comes to breastfeeding, I’d say follow your baby’s own routine and ignore everyone else’s advice.

Try to determine if there could be anything else that is causing her to feel grumpy - e.g. gas, colic, too hot, too cold, etc.