How often do i need to flash card?

I have been advised that flash 10 cards each day. How many days do i have to maintain this set of cards? After retiring them and replacing with new set, do i need to review?

Well it depends on the age of the child.

I think its something like 10 cards, 3 times a day
Then after 5 days start retiring one to two cards at a time.
Something like that.
But to be honest I have found that there is no real special formula.

With a little one I would flash the same cards for at least 5 days.
For a child that is about the ages of 2 and above you can get away with flashing the same cards for around 2 - 5 days. The older they are and the more words they know you can start replacing new words daily.

My 4yr old will learn new words by the end of the day now. But in the beginning we had to follow the 5 days at first.

As for review. Smaller children won’t need it. I say children ages 3 and up do. Otherwise they forget what they’ve learned.

Of course every child’s "mileage’ may vary. Meaning every child is different. I’ve seen little ones pick up words very quickly and other little ones that need longer time to learn to read words.
I’ve seen older children pick up words quickly and some that need much longer time to pick up words than my daughter does. Neither is right or wrong. The important part is that you have fun doing it. That’s the only important part.

I agree with Tracy. There is no exact right or wrong way to do it. I think you really need to watch your child for cues as to whether or not they are getting bored of the same words. If they are verbal & will willingly read them to you it will be easier, although I don’t suggest testing otherwise.

I could never get organized enough to retire a set number of words each day & add new ones, so I got in the habit of using one set of words for 3 - 5 days , taking the weekend off, then retiring all of them & starting a new set. At first we only did about 10 cards, but quickly began showing more & now often will do 40 to 60 words per week. I’m sure I could replace words much more often as my dd is often recognizing most of them by the 2nd showing, of the word, but I often don’t show them as many times pre day because of my busy schedule running after dd & her older sisters, so I now stay with the 3 to 4 days & then a break until the next Monday.

We used to review, but my dd always remembered the words, so now we just occasionally pull out her old words for fun. As far as I can tell, she has literally only forgotten a handful of words ever. Some kids have more trouble though, so again, it is important to follow your child.

Thanks Tracy n Kmum. I have been flashing about 5-10 cards every 5 days and retiring them all at a time and replace new ones. I think my dd is interested in flash cards. I definitely will increase the amount of cards gradually.

Just now, I started flashcards with my 17 month old.

(We did a lot of PC based learning earlier but currently we have holiday in countryside so I decided to avoid PC.)

I wonder how it is possible to do flashing 15 times per day as recommended by Doman? 3 word sets, 5 times per day each. And math cards, and EK cards :slight_smile:

Has any mother managed to do this?

Thank you for this discussion because I started to think that I am wrong. I am able to show 3 times per day :slight_smile: