How Much Time Do You Need To Teach Your Child To Read?

There are in fact two simple ways that you can tackle teaching your child to read and these two ways fit perfectly into your day-to-day schedule; there is an “active” way and there is a “passive” way.

The Active Way

The active way is when you actually sit down for a lesson and “actively” teach your child to read. This in turn is broken down into time that you spend teaching them to read and time spent reading with them.

In the beginning, you will get amazing results with about 5 daily lessons of about a minute each. That’s about 5 minutes per day. Not too much time on your part is it?

You will do this for approximately 30 days until your child can read their first book. Really!

After this, you will spend time daily reading with your child to improve their reading, correcting them and teaching them new words.

Once your child is comfortable reading and enjoys doing it (all children enjoy things that they are good at), you can then begin to make them self-sufficient readers by teaching themphonics. This in turn will take them to the next level ensuring that they can read by themselves.

The Passive Way

Reading takes a lot of practice and your child will do it only if it is fun. You can make this process easier for them by exposing them to reading from an early age and as often as possible. You can do this in a number of different ways:

  1. Fill your home with books

By having a variety of books, magazines and newspapers in your home, your child can see the visible signs of reading and will want to participate as well.

  1. Let your child see you reading

Your child will copy what you do, so if your child sees you reading he or she will come to realize that it is something that you value greatly and in return will want to do what you do too. After all young children always want to be like their parents and love to imitate everything they do.

  1. Read to them

Children love stories and books are a wonderful source of the greatest stories available. By reading to your child you are indirectly encouraging them to pick up a book and explore these wonderful stories for themselves. This goes a long way to cement their ability to read as they will then have a method of not only entertaining but also educating themselves.

  1. Give your child lots of books

You can show your child that you value their efforts by giving them books as gifts. Include books on your monthly shopping list whenever possible. This will give your child many opportunities to read and also to expand their vocabulary and knowledge.

So to answer our question: “How much time do you need to teach your child to read?”, in total you need only spend about 5 minutes every day either teaching your child to read or reading with or to them. By making reading into a habit (for example having “story time” together every night before bedtime), your child will love reading and this is the beginning of a good education.