How much time a day spend learning?

Hiya! I just wondering how many minutes-hours a day with Little Reader is Harmless to a baby at 9 months old. I’ve read somewhere that no more than 5 minutes of flashcards a day, but i want to do more, will it be ok? or it’s better not to overdo?
How much time a day you spend teaching your baby?

Hi there!

I usually do it in 3 sessions: The first thing my child wakes up in the morning, right after she wakes up from nap, and about 30 mins before bedtime (if she’s not cranky). Each session lasts between 5-10 mins. The key is to stop before she gets bored. So, you may want to adjust the timing a bit.

Yes you can do much more you just need to stop BEFORE your child wants to each time. The entire experience needs to be happy and stress free from start to finish. Doing very short sessions multiple times a day is a great way to achieve more.

I totally agree with you that the main point is to pay attention to the child’s feelings. We should make it easy and enjoyable and try to be at least one step ahead of th young reader. The most important principle is not to push a child to read for a certain period of tim, but to make sure s/he really is inetrested and enjoys what s/he is doing.

I’m following this thread.

Our baby girl is only 3 months. I hope doing these programs is the right call. She is finally interested and will actually smile at the computer screen. I would hate to hurt her eyes or have her be too obsessed with the computer.

Right now, it is however long it takes to do little reader english, chinese, little math little musician. We don’t do it all at once, but every 3 hours will watch another one. The little girl has bad reflux and has to be up for 20-30 minutes after eating. I do the computer at this time or reading.

In my baby before I usually spend two hours a day reading and listening. I recommend you this site I am sure you can found a lot of information how your kids become to be the best and brightest.