How many words did ur baby know (SPOKE) when he/she turned 1 yr old

I was wondering how many word vocabulary did ur 1 yr old have…other than mama, dada?

I know a little girl who started talking around 9-10 months. By 1 she spoke in complete sentences. On the flip side, most of the kids I know may have spoken between 8-20 words at that age (almost all of them are boys). The latest baby boy I know didn’t start talking much until he was comfortably 2yo. However, he’s not yet 3 and he speaks in complete, complex sentences but is lacking grammar.

Also, I understand that boys are typically slower than girls to start speaking and stay behind for a while. Girls are more verbal, much quicker.

…my baby is one year old and she can say only two words: mommy and daddy:) I have never met any children talking in that age.
We have been useing LR for a month and she can reconize some words like: wave, clap, smile. Can wait when she start talking but no pressure!

Most babies that I have seen can only say mommy and daddy and maybe one or two other words at that age. My son barely spoke until he was older, but now he speaks very well.

I did YBCR and handmade flash cards with my daughter…by one she knew about 100 words including names and she spoke simple sentences like I love you. I see you. Where are you? She also knew that she was 1 on her birthday, if you asked her how old are you she would stick up her finger and say one. I know this is completely unusual. I am guessing it is the amount of time I spent with her learning and her natural attraction to books and language.

Wait…are we talking about turning 12 months, or between 12 months and 24?

I meant at 12 months of age mom2bee:)
Wowwwww Christine that’s fantastic :)…good on u:)

My baby knew 25 full words exactly. Some of them were Slovak and some English. She started to speak when she turned 11 months.

My son and one of my four nephews were speaking in three to four word sentences (such as “I go outside now”) by age one. Two of my nephews came much later however they both had severe speech delay and were barely talking well by kindergarten as a result of dispraxia which is now undercontrol and the speech issues are barely noticeable unless they get very excited.

Speech development is a very individualised area there are so many factors that can affect the timing of speech and there is certainly no true normal

That’s fantastic Tms…do u think that you contributed in someway for him to develop speach so early? If so how?

My elder son spoke in complete sentences. He probably knew 100’s of words. However, my baby knew only mama and dad dad. He really didn’t learn anymore words until 16 months and now in a few weeks time he has leaned between 25 and 50. I have to confess I was a little worried, but I had heard there was a language explosion around 18 months, and I knew my elder son was unusual in his speaking abilities. I knew he could hear well because he would follow multi-part directions well and answer questions by shaking his head or pointing. And now that he’s picking up new words everyday I am just resting assured that all babies are different.

Hey momtobaby,

I don’t know that we did anything special - at least any more than any one on this site has. We do lead an unusual life and our boy has two parents with him almost all day everyday and is with at least one of us at all times. On the occassions where we’re gigging he is in the audience watching or in the changeroom listening so his little life has been eventful and rather different to other children. This may have helped but then it may have nothing to do with it. :wub:

I think all babies are different. I don’t know how my daughter picked up so many words so fast but at only a few months old she was actually struggling trying to speak…you could see her and hear her and I have videos of her trying so hard to talk. Maybe because we were so loud and talkative around her. But when she finally was able to speak, she did and hasn’t stopped. I just felt like my previous post sounded a little bit like bragging and I don’t want to come off like that. lol She just spoke sooo much by age one but I didn’t know if she actually understood what she was saying. She used to say I LOVE YOU all DAY! now you have to work for it…I miss that. :blush:

Hey Tms …that’s wonderful how ur little one picked up so much being ur audience :)…and Christine u did not sound like u were bragging :)…its just sooooo cute how ur baby goes 'I love u" that must have made u feel sooo special :)…and Linzy I am just amazed at how many words ur eldest knew by the age of one …he is definitely a bright boy :slight_smile: to have picked up so many words.Lelask its just wonderful isn’t it when they start speaking and esp in ur native tongue :slight_smile:

Our babies generally have 10 to 20 words at 1 year (that they independently say). Some include signing. The average is 2 to 5 words - but more importantly at 1 is that they understand you for general requests (say bye-bye or get the doll). We have had children begin PlayWisely that were not speaking at 2 - who at 4 communicate beautifully.

Wowww that’s fantastic coachpatty…are u planning to start a centre down under in Australia ?

our son spoke more than mom and daddy at 1yr, such as ball, wave… but what I found was he speaks more of his LR words than other things. now he is 1y 6m he knows all most all LR action words and animals all slides of 1st semester. :slight_smile:

My son began to say real words (other than Mum or Dad) such as dog and duck at 8 months. By 12 months he could say approximately 100 words (he also knew his age). He knew the alphabet at 14 months and started to put together short sentences at 16 months. He knew many sight words at one, but has since seemed to forget many of them. Now that he is coming up to 3 (May 30), he speaks quite clearly and has a large vocabulary.
We used little reader and doman methods etc…, which I believe has contributed greatly. He does not however read fluently yet, but can sound out simple words phonetically.