How many words a 18 months read? 150 words? 300 words?

How many words your toddlers are reading? when did you start to LR?

OK My 16 months old girl started YBCR 2.5 months ago and LR 3 months ago, she reads in spanish and english over 70 words. I am looking forward to keep teaching her both language to read. I thought will be way difficult than this but she does great , she has fun with it , she brings to me the flashcards or books to me to read to her and she makes the computer sign everyday for playing with LR. It is amazing!!
She knows parts of the body,colors,animals in both languages too.

what a wonderful baby u have PY.she brings the flashcard and books to u and asked u to read it?and knows body parts,colors,animals?wow,she’s doing greatttt! :slight_smile: she’s just 16 month,mine is(the older)20 month,but she sometimes refused flash card and reading,she more into picture moving,sound(like video)
Basically I introduced 8 categories per day(5-7 cards each),1 session in weekdays,and 2 session in total is 40++ card perday.(that’s not include “flashcard of the week”(which is 10 cards) and math(dots) flashcard.she can recognized some word and image,and everytime i show her only the word,she will take the card from my hand and see what is image behind the card lol this make me believe that she is concentrated and focus on the flashcard session. :nowink:

Thank you qisdhi ;
Sounds like you are doing great with your baby too, keeping her busy and learning!!
I actually have to give some credit to YBCR , Catalina learned a lot watching it, she didn’t know parts of the body before that. I have to say Catalina likes doing it, it amazes me!! when she is done reading the flashcards in spanish, she wants flashcards in english, after that holds my hands and takes me to the computer to play with LR, after that she wants me to read books to her, then more flashcards…and she keeps on and on…I have to say " sometimes makes me tired and ask her to give me a break :biggrin: ", when she is in the high chair she asks for more books, I keep telling her is eating time…she gets mad and keeps signing “book” until I finally give her books…Catalina is one of those babies who has toys for no reason!!! LOL…she can live without them because she doesn’t even play with them at all, but she loves their books and their flashcards!! When we go out somewhere I have to take few books and flashcards as well to keep her busy always!!! When she is in the car set in the car she has to have her books too and I tape some flashcards in the back of driver and co driver seats for she to look at them.

She also has some homemade signing flashcards that had help her a lot…in one side of the flashcard I have the sign and the word then when she turns the other side of the flashcard she can see the picture(meaning). She loves loves loves them. She has over 50 signs…I try to teach her one sign everyday lately because I noticed she is being signing a lot since she became 14 months old and lately even more.

Anyways thats my experience with my baby girl.
we as moms need to keep it up… :wink:
Take care, and keep doing the great job.