How many of you would be interested in a Special Needs Forum?

How many of you would be interested in a Special Needs Forum? Please reply to this thread or pm me to let me know. If there is enough interest, I will ask if it is possible. Early learning can give so many opportunities to our kids that I would love to be able to share this knowledge with as many parents of kids with SN as possible. There are also some unique concerns that would be great to address with the help of other SN parents.


I think it’s a great idea!

count me… This is a grate idea!!

Yep. Count me in :>) I think its a great idea!

I’d be interested.

Great suggestion kmum.

That looks like enough demand! :slight_smile:

Will have one opened asap!

Very good idea, looking forward to a separate board!

Thanks for the brilliant suggestion, Kmum!

We’ve just opened a new board for Parents of Children with Special Needs here:


Do start posting your tips and experiences in this new board :yes:

Wow that was quick! :biggrin:

Thank you!