How many of you have a blog about your child with special needs?

Just curious! :biggrin: Mine is in my siggy.

I really admire your blog. I started one but it was terrible. I only made one entry years ago.


I have one its in my sig. also.

I have one as well

I have three; My personal one
The one I do for our school which I’m still trying to get organized: (any suggestions would be appreciated)
And the one I do about daily deals:


Here is my blog about my activities with Eaton -30 months. Also, I started to have a blog about activities for my young baby-3 months old, but it needs to be updated.


PS. I need to check your blog now!

Funny how I just updated my blog after a year of not posting. My last post last year was before my C-section and now my son is 11 months and 3 weeks…hahaha!

anyways, there’s nothing much in my blog…just to air what I felt that time.

Here’s my blog in case you’d like to peek :slight_smile:

About my little guy Julian (15 months old with Down syndrome)

his life, our life and other fun stuff!

Hey there!

Mine’s in my signature, too.

Hi there!

Mine is at . I’ve been on a break while we adjust to having three under three and look for a new house but I will be posting again very soon!


I just started one! It is still in the beginning stages so I have not told anyone but here it is


Hello, all! :slight_smile: I from Ukraine and recently opened a blog about that as I read with a son. Diagnosis of son ДЦП. An idea to create a blog arose up, when it saw the result of the labours. My son every day changes in the best side and it yet more inspires me

Mine is

i don’t have a personal blog , i always wanted to have one but there were never enough hours in the day for me . i have quadriplegic daughter , i did doman with her for years went to philadelphia and was enrolled in their intensive program , i later on added on many other therapies like hyperbaric , cell tissue salts , ABR . I moderate a special yahoo support group for parents of specialneed kids doing ABR , it is a big group with families from all over the world , you are very welcome to join us there if you are looking for ways to help your child physicallt .
Our family expended and 2 young siblings joined our clan and brought me to this wonderful forum . life is very busy for me juggling the need of three kids so i am always playing catch with posts here . I felt bad that i never replied or joined the forum for specialneed parents . I do feel i gained so much from years of work with m daughter i hope i can help others wih m experience . please write back and i am happy to talk with you .
love to you and your little ones