How many minutes/hours a day?

Hi everybody,

Since a few days I always write down, how much I read to my daughter. I noticed, that I read less, than I thought, only 40 minutes a day, but that is 4-5 books… And then we do LR, about 15 minutes a day. I think, that’s ok. She likes it very much.

How much do you do daily?

I do less than this during the week as I work and raise my daughter on my own. But we make it up during the week-end, we do several little activities throughout the day.

I think your doing amazing. 40 mins plus the 15mins for little reader is a lot more then most children get. Sidney Ledson book is title states you can teach your child to read with 10 mins a day. When I first started Early Learning when my son was 4 he got a lot less time then that and now 1.5 years later he’s reading at almost a second grade level. As long as you making the time you have (whether it be 10mins or 3hours) your doing your LO a favor.


Thank you for your answers! I always thought, I do too less reading. I don’t know, who posted it these days, I think DadDude does about 3 hours reading / teaching a day. That’s really amazing! But I’m also a working mom, so I don’t have more time. Often I also don’t do the 40 min. of reading, but I try to read as lot as I can.

I have no idea how much we do since a lot of reading takes place when waiting at doctors offices and inbetween things. We are homeschooling so do quite a few activities per day but most feels like play so I have no idea how much time it takes.

I agree with Waterdreamer. I think we can get really caught up in comparing what/when/how we do things with each other and end up feeling badly. Whatever you CAN do, do. Whatever you CAN’T do, don’t fret about. If you think you could squeeze in more time with books, then do, but not at the cost of your own sanity - sometimes doing the dishes, or laundry, or cleaning, or showering DOES need to come before booktime!

Sometimes you can use the things you HAVE to do as learning opportunities too - today I had to go to the bank and it is not my favourite thing to do let alone dragging a baby and toddler with me, but my eldest DD did learn things there and we decided to see it as a field trip - I can get a book on the bank but it will mean less than her having been there. I may still need a book to teach her some of the vocabulary and explain things in a slightly less chaotic environment, but that can wait. Doing laundry and making food have their own teaching opportunities. So if I add in those times of day with her then we’d be doing homeschooling almost all day.

Exactly, Tanikit! And thinking of life/teaching that way I’m sure we can all feel a bit better about how much we’re actually doing!

As an aside that is somewhat connected: Krista (Intellectual Baby/Monki See Monki Do) has a MemoFlix product (similar to LR - but DVD form) that has categories (10 words/category) that introduce/define the various terms related to that topic. What made me think of it is Tanikit’s bank story. Without plugging it in and reviewing the 80 (yes, eighty!) categories, off the top of my head I can tell you that she covers many locations/businesses, actions, foods, animals, plants, etc. It’s a good resource to have in your back pocket. Especially in situations like the bank one - before you go look at the category, talk about what you might see as you drive to the bank, point things out when you’re there, watch the category again when you get home and play a game as you watch - jump up and clap everytime you see a word that Krista has that you also saw on your field trip. Chore done? Check! Learning accomplished? Check! and no guilt about lost time :slight_smile:

I voted over 3 hours. My daughter does a neurodevelopmental program & between that & the extra early learning we do, it is often about 5 hours/day and 4 or 5 days per week. It would be so easy to only do a reading program! :yes: