How many members are fathers?

I’m Just interested in knowing how many fathers are participating in the forum? I Think that is very nice to see fathers that take an active role in the education of their children, and want to learn more about it. :wub:

[*Raises hand…]


i guess not many. I have been trying hard to get my husband into this forum to read all about the wonderful stuff of child development.He only care about his liverpool… :tongue:

I am. But i must admit. I seldom log on…my wife did most of the job in educating my child

I want to raise my hand and say that I am.

I believe the father’s influence is very important in our children’s education.

But I also know it is hard as many of us have careers that consume valuable time.

Raises hand

Make a Little Reader category of all the Liverpool players, then when he sees that you child can recognize and read the players’ names, he’ll get interested! lol

hi! i"M A new user here. ME and my husband play an active role in teaching our sons. I was the one who found the web site so we’re using my email addy for this, but you could still count us as half a guy using the site lol

I’m a father. But I have to admit that my wife takes primary role in our son’s education.

Raises hand

I work at home and this gives me time to help with my little boy’s education.