How many hours should a kid sleep at night?

Hi , my kid 26months sleeps at 11pm and have to wake up next morning at 7am to prepare to go to his nursery school. Wonder if 8hours of sleep is enough for his age? Afternoon , he will sleep for 2hours (4pm-6pm)


Babymum is he on a sleep programm…or do you just put him to sleep when you feel/think he is tired? daughter is slightly younger than your LO but she would hardly sleep over the da . I just through she is super super active and does not need that much sleep…but at times she would still be crancky…and cry (even though in my mind I ticked all ‘to check’ boxes like feeding, changing, etc.). Even though she would hardly get any sleep during the day (1 hour…maybe 1.5 hours cumulated from small naps) she would often wake up at night and would not sleep through the night (6-7-8 hours in a row).

I then stumbled upon a great book by Polly Moore (The 90-minute baby sleep program) and realised that she was underslept and the reason she couldn’t actually sleep was because she was so so tired. I have decided to give it a try and she’s been on this program for aprox. 2 weeks and the results are just amazing. Now she takes 3-4 naps (of at least 30-45 minutes each) daily and at night she goes to bed around 20.30-21.00 and she does not wake up (unless she needs a diaper change) until 6 - 6.30 in the morning… I find her so so much happier…and you can imagine how happy I am :).

I am also in the process of teaching her to fall asleep on her own (and I use as a guide the same book) and she seems to do just fine. She hardly cries/moans for 5 minutes (or less) before actually falling asleep on her own in her cot…I believe this is because she started associating her tiredness with the actual need of sleep.

The book focuses more on the first year of life of a baby…but does provide some very helpful tips for toddlers (for their parents I mean) and the way they should recognize particular patterns when it comes to sleep and handle them appropriately.

I hope this helps…

Sleep guidelines are based on averages - many children need more than they say and many need less. For the OP - I would probably try to get my child down for the night slightly earlier and see how that goes. My daughter at 26 months was no longer napping in the day (even the nursery could not get her to sleep and she played with the 5 year olds when it was her classes time to sleep) and she was sleeping about 20:30 til 06:00 so about the same amount as you child is getting in total - however I know she needs less sleep than the average child and always has since she was born.

Well , thanks all for the advise and sharing…
My kid used to sleep easily at 9pm … until starting since 2months ago, he refused to go to his cotbed and stay late till 11pm or sometimes 12pm+ when he is tired he lie down on the sofa to sleep. Sometime reallly hard to get him to fall asleep… till he is very tired. :frowning: and i am very tired too… He doesn’t want to go to his bed where he used to fall asleep himself there. Not sure whats the reason of this sudden change. Thus after he sleeps at the sofa, we will just carry him from the sofa to the cot bed. :frowning:

Thanks Oana86! Will go library to find this book :slight_smile: Happy for you that your kid can sleep more now!

Mothers who you have worked hard with the baby is not easy.But any though there is a lot of details need to pay more attention to

You can consult a doctor, what kind of baby sleep time is reasonable.Can interfere with the baby as recommended by the doctor’s, so you can let your baby sleep, fragrant.