How many flashwords on LR in one viewing?

My daughter just turned 12 months old and we just started doing flashcards a few weeks ago. She can only sit for about 5 Doman style flashcards (real cardboard flashcards), but when I show her LR she stares at the screen for 10-12 flashwords/pictures before she looks away and then we take a break for about a minute and then do about 10 more flashwords in a different catagory.

My question is, how many is too much at one time at her age? Should I break my sessions up into just 5 flashwords and couple of minutes in between or should I keep flashing until she looks away and then take a break?

Our schedule is going to be:

25 flashwords w/pictures on LR shown three times a day (so she would see the same 25 flashwords 3x in one day). And then I would replace one word a day with a new word like Doman suggests.

And then I show her the YBCR starter video about once a day along with the YBCR slider set of cards once a day that accompany the video. The YBCR starter words are also in her LR flashwords.

What do you all think? Do you think this is what Doman intended as far as exposing a child to words daily? Just want to make sure my program will be effective. If not I’ll tweek it.

Thanks so much for you insight!

Hi Lucy,

That sounds about right, actually. But there’s really not such thing as ‘right’ - it’s all up to the individual child. My main advice is to not follow slavishly to these ‘rules’, because there are no rules. At most they are guidelines.

But in any case, what we recommend as a starting point is about once/twice a day, about 3-4 categories per session (about 10 words per category), each word shown about 5 times. We would recommend repeating categories/words which particularly interest your child more often than other categories.

I’m sorry KL, I’m a little confused by what you said. Your saying once or twice a day show 3-4 catagories with each catagory having 10 words (so that would be 30-40 words shown at least once a day, correct?).

And then when you say “each word shown about 5 times” do you mean 5 times a day or do you mean it should be shown 5 times all together before moving on to a new word?


Sorry about that! :slight_smile:

Actually, this schedule is what we’re working on for future LR versions. What we would recommend then is to only play about 6 words from each Category each time, and retire/add words from that Category each day. If the Category has 10 words and you play 6 words by rotation each time over 10 days, you’ll find that each word is played 6 times.

Each session, that would be 6 x 4 Categories = 24 words.

Not sure if it’s clearer now, but it’s not so easy to explain without writing out the whole schedule. Good thing is, in the future, you won’t have to do any thinking. cos we’d just set it for you.

But again, remember, no hard and fast rules! Many will find it easier to not do retiring/rotating and simply play the entire Category. Just do whatever is the most convenient and don’t worry about it!

Thanks for the clarification KL

I actually stopped showing Sophia LR because I was afraid of teaching her the ‘wrong’ way. Now that I know i can re start the program with her because she really enjoys LR, but i’m not sure how to retire words on LR?

I have also ordered How to multiply your baby’s intelligence and How smart is your baby, I cant wait for them to arrive.


Ok, so you are saying that I would do one session a day where I would show 4 categories with 6 words in each category. So baby will see 24 different words a day. Or I can do this same session twice a day.

I think I have it.

But see how any arrangement, as long as your being consistent and baby is having fun will work.


That’s pretty exciting that LR will have a schedule ‘built in’. I’m looking forward to seeing that and getting more familiar with LR. Do you have a release schedule for the next version?