how many are reading after how many moNths

some “resime”
write what was more useful to learn to read,
why do you suspect that your baby cann’t read yet :wink:
excessive difficulties

we started with YBCR at 11 months, by 12 months he can read one word. by 15 months about 16 words. he didn’t like to watch the DVDs, so i use the books and he learned the words very fast.

I started with my baby at 12 months on YBCR and doman style flashcards 3x a day. She also watches little Pim in French.

She is 15 months now and she talks “jargoning” talk like crazy and she can speak about 13 words. And if I ask her to show me where the chandelier is in a magazine (for instance) she will point to it, but she does not appear to be able recognize words yet. Although, I never really test her either except for last month. I put a few cards on the ground and asked her to show me where a certain word was and she looked at the words and just kept playing with her blocks. Maybe I’ll try again today and see what happens.

I’m hoping though that by 2 years old all this will come together and that together we will be able to read couplets and triplets and maybe even very short sentences.

We started at 17 months, I’m showing 2 categories twice a day
Last week I showed Kaietan 3 pictures and told him to point to the corresponding words, he did great :slight_smile: Today I made small cards with body parts, I want to ask him to place them on my body where they belong

after 2 months with LR Flavio did some puzzle with words like cow, bird, goose, pig, dog correctly :wink: but now he seems distracted, maybe the place (our home is big so there are many things, but I’m trying to change for the better), or computer ? (tv is bigger)? sometimes I think that Flavio is to fast, sometimes I don’t think anything (don’t testing)…
We are doing readin, math and EK (something like EK :yes: )…it is important :yes: to go on
sometimes he is playing with me and he is giving the wrong answers, I think, because he answers without looking lol
he is saying the last word knowned or his favorite word :wink:
now I’m sure that he knows treno (train) “big” mamma, papa’, ape and cooker :yes:

Ok, like I said we started with YBCR and real doman style flashcards at 12 months and now she is 15 months. I never test her but today I held up two cards and she pointed to the right one. Then I did it 3 more times and she didn’t point to anything. She just danced around the kitchen. She really didn’t seem like she knew saw a difference between the two. Then there were three cards on the floor and one of them said HAIR and she looked down and then started touching her hair. So she responded 2 of the 5 times. It’s not very encouraging especially when I hear other people’s stories. I have to keep plugging away though.

I started at 15 months(don’t remember exactly when I start).
I was not aware of Doman method…I was showing him the toys and teaching him train, helicopter, aeroplane etc.,
AT that time, he was ab,e to recognize which is helicopter and which is aeroplane…

Then I came to know about the Doman method and I started with flas cards…initially he was interested but later he started tearing of the cards…

So, I started buying some books for him…he’s so eager and learning…Being a working mum I could teach him only at the night time.

He’s showing his interst a lot.

Now he’s able to tell and point out…squirrel eats acorn(from the movie ICE AGE)…animals, vegetables, fruits, body parts, house hold items etc…

Still he’s not showing interset in maths…If I start showing him by counting the fingers, he says no…no…mom…
But, I keep on trying…

We started YBCR 4 months ago. In the first week, she showed me she learned 2 words after 2 or 3 weeks, I don’t know if she got bored with it that she stopped showing what she knows. If I read the action words or she hears it on TV sometimes she will do the action. She seems to know the animals but I am not sure about the words. I try not to test her. We are using now LR once a day.

i started reading him his first word book at 8months and had to take a break at 17months, he is a late talker, and when he started he had a huge vocabulary…
but started teachin doman flash cards at 27months and he just read the first word on his own yday! so I cant say exactly how long it took him to read but he had been recognising so many words for sometime…
there is this “First 1000 Words” book which he love and he also reads from many other books, which I at times I tire reading for him!!!
but it finally paid to keep it going, alhamdulillah!

I found this question very hard to answer because to me being able to read means to be able to read independently. I started with flashcards and little reader when my daughter was 12 months old and within two weeks she could read her first word.

Obviously as toddlers because speech is developing its hard to know when they can read if you expect words to be said out loud. By 16 months she could point to the correct word when asked even if shown 6-8 words to choose from. Now at 20 months she will read certain words out loud and give me the correct word when asked amost 100% of the time (she has a reading vocabulary of a few hundred words)

But she cannot yet speak in sentences and she cannot read a full sentence out loud. While she can read certain words I show her in standard books, she is no where near reading a book out loud either. I am suspecting that that will come after she is two years old and possibly closer to two and a half. Reading independently I would suspect would not come before about three years old - as in my child could choose her own book and read it to herself without me going through every word to make sure she knows it first and I think this may take some phonics training, but again, I am just guessing here.

it’s very interesting :slight_smile: many different opinions

everyone can read :laugh: the question is in how many languages :yes:

How about having a poll option for :" have not tested". as I haven’t really tested or speaking in Doman terms approached problem solving with my child.

What age did your kids start reading fluently. By that, I mean take a book off of the library or bookstore shelf that they never saw before, like a Curious George or Golden Book or Dr. Suess (something basic, but contains full sentences), and read it (allowing for a normal # of mistakes but being able to either know the words by sight or decode it by using phonics). If you teach your baby to read sight words by 18 months, will they be able to do this by the time they are 3?

My 15 months old baby is bilingual, she recognize words in spanish and english as well…how do I know?because I use YBCR and LR, I point to the word and she says the word or makes the sign!!Daddu asks her where is your nose(showing her the word nose) and she will point her nose…I will do the same in spanish. She does pretty good…but the fun part is she loves doing it!!!

Ok now I’m convinced I need to see a professional. My daughter has mastered identifying ALL the fruits, vegetables, natures, animals and colors of Little Reader after only 3 weeks.

good for you!! KEEO IT UP…

With the use of LR, the child easily identifies all the things and objects displayed/feeded in the programe…


my son knows many words in many languages, now he is speaking fluently italian (he can repeat all words, like 59, 89, latin plant’s name etc.
he is trying to repeat some words when we’re reading (it seems like he’s reading, he’s looking at the word and making syllables…
he has an excellent memory (he knows about ten tests of songs and some stories)
I think that LR and LM is really helpful and supportive to achieve this level even I haven’t any idea if he’s reading or not :yes: