How long did it take you to fall pregnant?

Hi I am 34 years old and my husband is 40. We have been married for 18months and have been trying to fall pregnant. still no luck. How long did it take you to fall pregnant? any tips or advice? :unsure:

Hi! I am no expert but from what I’ve read, you should try to be as healthy as possible and avoid stress-which has a major effect on fertility. Try taking vitamins that your nutritionist approves, having a regular exercise program, and praying would certainly help! I have heard wonderful stories from friends and relatives who made a devotion to Saints (mostly St. Bernadette) and they haven’t been failed. And of course, a consultation with your fertility doctor would also be helpful =)

Hi the average they say to get pregnant is 2 years, if you still don’t get pregnant then you should seek a doctor. But since you are over 30, you should seek a doctor anyway, since the older the more higher risk blablabla, I bet your heard these thing all before. Start taking your Prenatal Vitamins already. Ohh and don’t stress about it, putting yourself under pressure is not the best thing to get pregnant. Try to calculate your cycle. They say, that there are only 2 days in a month, where you are actually fertile and you have to figure out which days these are. Those fertility testers might help too, tells you when you ovulate. Well I know a friend of mine, who got pregnant unexpectedly with 40 and her son is one of the smartest, sweetest kids I know.

:)Good luck and take care Janet

if your period is consistent type which once a month, observe your discharge. When your discharge is sticky, pull long jelly type, that’s your ovulation day.

Dear Kimbosan,

I, too, started to try to get pregnant when I was 34…and I,too, know the deep agony of trying unsucessfully to have a baby. I know that the pain is far, far deeper than anyone around you can even guess. I will share what I know and pray that you will find something to spur your own research.

I became pregnant within three months of trying but we lost that baby to miscarriage. It never even dawned on me that that would, or even could, happen to me. It took us a long time to become pregnant again even though we tried almost immediately. It was during that time that I began to educate myself about how a woman’s body works - how it prepares to become pregnant, how it gets pregnant and how it maintains a pregnancy. I HIGHLY suggest you getting your hands on a copy of “Taking Charge of Your Fertility”. It is a huge book with so much information. You may find it at your local library, but it was a 3 month wait at mine to get it. Luckily, I found a friend who had it. It’s pretty pricey - but if you can’t read it for free (friend or library) BUY IT, BUY IT BUY IT!!!

First of all, at your age, DO NOT wait any longer to see a fertility specialist. If a woman under 30 is unable to become pregnant within ONE year they should see someone. If a woman over 30 is unable to become pregnant with SIX MONTHS they are encouraged to see a specialist. This is so that valuable time is not wasted. It could be as simple as taking a prometrium supplement and your hormones may become balanced enough to get pregnant and maintain the pregnancy. Not all women who are unsuccessful at the beginning have major problems. My girlfriend, Jen, struggled with this and finally went to see a fertility specialist and was prescribed a prometrium supplement. I, on the other hand, had to take the prometrium supplement, an ASA pill and daily heparin shots. I’m happy to say that we both became pregnant and Jen’s baby is a week younger than mine!

Kimbosan, the most important thing is that if your heart is okay with just trying for a few more years then do it. If not, do not delay. Ask your doctor for a referal to a specialist. If he or she says no, find a different doctor who will. Even when you get a referal you usually have to wait several months (our clinic has a 4-6 month wait right now!). Maybe you’ll get pregnant while you are still on the waiting list, but if you’re not, you’ll be happy to have an appointment scheduled.

So, to recap: buy the book & see a specialist…a very simple solution could be waiting for you!

And, yes, continue to take your prenatal vitamins and I’d recommend a B Complex of sorts -it will help you with your stress levels.

If I can help in any way feel free to PM me.

I was told that I only had 76% chance of getting pregnant. I had endrometriosis. it took 3 gyno’s to figure it out, but once did I had a simple surgery and then with my 2nd hubby we have 2 sweet boys and now I am expecting a 3rd, but it isn’t easy. I thought for years I would never have one. for ten years i had the idea that i never would have a baby. I was on medication and gained a lot of weight once I lost the weight after my divorce I found out that I could get pregnant. With this one it has to be my last. I had 2 c-sections 11 months in between. My kids are 11 months apart. So the doc told me that i had to have a hysterectomy now or have another child due to being messed up inside. We chose to have another LO that is if we could, we also were told we could only have a slim chance this time as well. But he/she has arrived.

Have you seen a doctor regarding your situation? my family all of the girls have the same thing I do, and they all except one have a baby now. my closest cousin it took her 15 years then she came then all of a sudden another one. Also my neice as well tried for 20 years and finally she has 2 girls as close as mine are 11 months apart. There are so many different new procedures to assist you in this adventure even alternative medicine.

you will be in my thoughts

I agree with all the other posts but I will also add a ‘hokey spiritual’ spin as well. Positive thinking and changing your mind set from ‘fall’ to perhaps ‘becoming the nuturer of life’ might help. The book ‘The Secret’ has some wonderful ideas for positive thinking and postive results.

I was very lucky with my first child. My partner (42 at the time) said he could get me pregnant in one try - and he was right! I can’t imagine your heartache, but I do hope a positive outcome for you.

Is Kimbosan still active? This post was over a year ago. I wonder if she’s become pregnant or had a baby since…

As for getting pregnant: the first time was the very first time I had unprotected sex. Unfortunately that pregnancy didn’t work out. The second time was on the third cycle.

If anyone out there is still on the fence about Taking Charge of Your Fertility even after Kizudo’s glowing review, I have to throw my support behind it as well. It’s a fantastic book.

I had high FSH (a reproductive hormone) of 16 and so was told I had less than 5% chance of getting pregnant. But then I read the book “The Fertility Cure” and I got pregnant. I can’t remember author’s name but she is both an American doctor and a Chinese doctor and she uses the best of Western and Eastern medicine. This book is essential and is the bible that everyone reads who is really having a hard time getting pregnant.

Also, go to -go to the society section, then health, then fertility, then the High FSH forum. The ladies on the High FSH forum are long time veterans of infertility, they go to the best fertility doctors in the world and they can answer any question, not just high FSH.

Many of those ladies (including myself and my sister) go to Dr. Check in New Jersey. He takes patients from all over the world no matter their age and no matter how bad their diagnosis is, including the girls who have been turned away by other top doctors because they had almost no chance of getting pregnant (like myself). He got me pregnant and my sister and both of us in our very late 30’s. I consider him a fertility detective -no matter how unusual or how nuanced your problem is, he will figure it out because he’s seen it all since he takes the hard cases that no one else wants.

So if your having problems, cut to the chase, here is what you need (#3 being the most important):

  1. The books “The Infertility Cure” and “Taking Charge of Your fertility”

  2. The website -the high FSH forum

  3. Dr. Jerome Check at Cooper in Marlton, NJ

Anyone can private message me if they have questions. Good luck!

My understanding is Ovulation is from 14days from the 1st day of your menses. When i went for a full body check up, the doc told me beside counting the days, i should look at my discharge. If it is transparent, clear n sticky means you are ovulating!

I followed the doctor advice and that’s how i got my baby boy during my 1st attempt without protection.

Good Luck to all who are still trying :slight_smile:

We weren’t “trying” as in charting, ovulayion kits and such. I went off birth control in July and got pregnant in September. I think we got lucky b/c my dh was only home on the wknds in Sept b/c of work. I guess it was meant to be

My last period was from the 8th to the 13th of every month, so I was ovulating from the 19th to the 25th of March, which was around the time I conceived. I missed my period in April and found out I was 5 weeks pregnant on April 17th.

You just have to pay attention to your body and willing to have extra fun. Knowing your menstrual cycle is very important; Ovulation is always one week after the last day of your period. Try having sex more often then for quick results.

Did you try an ovulation kit? I was 29 and my husband 43 :wink: After 3 months of useless efforts I got an ovulation kit. 2 months later I got pregnant. Don’t get frustrated, I’m trying to get pregnant again and I asked my doctor for an advice, the only thing she said: get an ovulation kit and when your ovulation comes (48 hour period) do that as many times as you can. The more the better, assuming your husband has a normal sperm count. If after 4 (or 6, read the instructions that comes with the kit) months this doesn’t work for you, then see the doctor.

Try tracking ovulation like everyone else said but also have your husband try the following:
Stop wearing underware
Stop alcohol
Stop putting a laptop on your lap
Stay our of hot tub or hot baths
A sperm test after all of the above made a huge difference in motility and quality.

And most of all both of you stop thinking about it. After months of trying we had hubby continue the above but resumed putting romance back into our love life. Four months later we were pregnant with our daughter. Good Luck