how long did it take for your baby to read?

Quick question, I have an 8 month old, I have been doing the doman method supplementing with LR since 3 months old…at what age should he be recognizing these words? How long did it take for your babies to show you they know the words?

i start to give my baby to watch YBCR since she wa 7 months, but she just show us when she saw the word “clap” and “head” she will clap her hand and touch her head.(she is 14 months now). But i think every baby is difference. They just keep learning and one day they will show you in surprise… :happy:

My son was about 15 months old when he started reading out words I would show him. We had done doman intermittently since about 3 months. However at 2.5 he still does not read independently. He reads books but I think he mainly just has the stories memorized. He knows all his letters and sounds though and can fill in the missing letter in a word a blank with so I think for him independent reading is not far off. But, we don’t do doman very strictly, only 5 words once or twice a day, 10 categories of encyclopedic knowledge once or twice a day and one set of dots once or twice a day. I think with more rigid adherence to the program better results can be obtained. When I rigidly adhere to the program for a bit I notice my son can identify many more words.

I never tested my son before. My mom just accidentally heard him reading the words I wrote on the flashcards. That is when we knew that he can already recognize some words. That was just a month after I teach him to read.

I did not follow any rules or program before. When he is looking on pictures in a book, I will say what he is looking at and I will write the word and show it to him. Sometimes for ex., I will draw a kite and I will write the word ’ kite’ beside.
I don’t know either how many times I already showed a particular word.
And it’s amazing that he learns.
But I think following a program and using some educational materials are more productive too.

Every child is different. They also learn in different ways.
One day your baby will just surprise you that he already knows so many words. :happy:

I only started with my daughter when she was 12 months old and within two weeks she showed she could read one of the words by saying “doh” for “dog” however it took another few months before she showed she could read anymore words and since then she has only showed me a few times. She is 16 months old now.

There are quite a few skills an 8 month old must still learn to be able to show you shee can read - better fine motor control and gross motor control being the main ones. They also need to understand more to be able to show you so just keep talking and pointing things out. Be patient - in one of Doman’s books he says: "and it is easier to teach a one year old than it is to teach a two year old IF you are willing to wait til the child is two to prove it.