How I'm teaching my children French


I’m a mom of two who just moved to Montreal. I’ve taught myself enough French to get by pretty well! Right now foreign language education is a huge topic amongst my mom friends here and back in California. To operate in global business a person must know at least two languages. Some of my preschooler’s classmates know 3 and more. Incredible!

To help my older daughter learn French this is what I have done:

  1. She can only watch tv en francais. I love that Little Pim is on here- I just wrote about them in my blog:
  2. Computer games are also en francais. The TV 5 website (french station) even has Sesame Street games in French.
  3. We play silly French word games. “Whats that? A cochon! C-C-Cochon!” Crazy, ridiculous games. They don’t care :slight_smile:
  4. When I speak to her I’ll say the phrase in French first (if I know it), then in English.
  5. We get used to calling certain things in French always. She never asks for hot chocolate. She learned it as chocolat chaud.
  6. She has mostly French books. I’ll admit that sometimes I mispronounce words. Don’t be afraid, just jump in. You can learn together. Look for kid’s audio books and music CDs.

You don’t have to be fluent to instill a curiosity of a foreign language in your child’s heart. Just give them a few tools consistently and they will eventually take over. My preschooler now asks “What is that in French?” She’s fascinated.

Bonne chance!

Those are excellent tips! Thanks!

I use some of them myself too!

Bonjour Mayas Mom!

I’m in Winnipeg. Welcome to Canada!

I’m trying to teach my little wonder French, however, I am pathetic at speaking the language myself. I hesitate with speaking it to him because I’m not confident at pronouncing things…especially if there’s another adult around! I’m doing Little Pim with him and he was given a book that he just loves…Vive les animals a la maison. He whines “maison, maison, maison” until I stop and read it to him… But that’s about it.

Would you be so kind as to send me some of your favourite French websites? I’d love to do more with my son (21mo) and be able to hear the language myself from other places. We may, may, may go to a local fully French school that offers a toddler play day once a week…it’s just getting pretty busy with music, movement, library, etc classes…you know how it goes…

Thank you so much!
Oh, and I also wish you well adjusting to our winter :slight_smile:


Usborne published a book “First picture word book in french”. The website above will give you the pronouciation of all the words in the book. Even if you dont have the book, they are all the ‘basic’ words…
good luck!

That First Picture book is great. I know a few people who love it for teaching.

Thanks for sharing the book!!

The link above is awesome for hear the correct French pronunciation. Thanks!

Hi Hypatia,

Thanks for that link. I can see myself and my 2yrs old in the same place as you. We may be shifting to CAnada by June2010. The language is big concern for me. The sooner we start is better. Thanks for having topic opened here.

Wish you all Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!