how I'm teaching Azaria to read

I have found with my 3 older kids that exposure to print in any way shape or form is helpful (adult-only stuff the exception). Having a picture to put to the word is the best way of learning, as it seems to help develop a photographic memory, and better spelling ability. I have bought old picture books and realized I recognised the images from when I was a child, a long time ago! I taught myself to read before school, just by repeatedly gazing at these books with the picture and word on the same page. With Azaria, I use an A3 laminator to laminate flashcards, not individaulaly, but one large, usually reversible page of them. I’ve plastered the hallway wall from the skirting board to half-way up the wall with them, plus the doors of wall units in the lounge-room. I also make smaller (A4) sized laminated pages by buying thrift-shop kids books, old magazines, junk mail catalogues etc and cutting words and pictures out of them…a page of pictures of cats, with the words kitten, kitty, pussy, cat (will do foreign languages soon) in different colours, sizes and fonts…in capitals and lower-case…so she recognises the word in different situations, in different handwriting. I also found that constant repetition and thus memorisation of books like Green Eggs and Ham helped my kids to actually READ the words and recognise them as toddlers. due to circumstances I did not do much with my son, and he has very little interest in reading, and is not a good speller.

any spelling errors are typos!! It’s busy with 4 kids…I have to type quickly!

Thanks for sharing, Nikita, and what a dedicated mother you are! Kudos and karma to you! :slight_smile:

Yeah, the Dr. Seuss books are wonderful, aren’t they?

You should take some pictures of your hallway etc. and show us, so that we can all be inspired! :slight_smile:


I will post some pics, when I get the laptop working. You wont believe my nursery…I turned the family room into a nursery…it’s the biggest room in the house. And still there isnt enough room, enough walls to put posters up on!
Dr seuss… I remember the ones I read as a kid…When I first bought them for my kids I had flashbacks to my childhood. They’re really memorable. I want to buy the whole set of Dr seuss videos (2nd hand), to reinforce what I read to bubby. And also I’ll buy the green eggs and Ham CDrom when she’s older… for reinforcement. I actually phocopied a few pages out of that book and some others which I will laminate so she gets to see the words frequently, as I cant let her use papery books on her own yet…she’d tear them and eat them.

I am soooo waiting for those pics !! :wink:

I tried to post them last night actually, on a new topic… photos of unusual teaching methods…but my files were too big. I’m on my third computer, the worst one, as the laptop is still waiting for the battery I ordered, the desktop is getting up-graded, and I’m not able to even open everyones downloads yet or use little reader…so frustrating. Today a friend is hopefully coming over to help with my comp problems… it’s hard to earn points when I cant do downloads!!

Wow, I’m so inspired! I was thinking you had an older baby but this gives me ideas of progressing sooner than I had previously thought with more fun ideas. I guess if it surrounds her and it’s fun then it is all good!