How I Vaccinated my Son

My personal perspective on childhood vaccinations.

I think if vaccinations were “greener”, more natural/homeopathic and less toxic then I would have fully vaccinated my son. Another concern of mine is the number of dosages, is it truly necessary for the amounts? When I was an infant in Romania, Europe I was given 5 vaccinations and barely ever got sick. Now, our american children are given 48 doses of 14 vaccines before age 6. Why is it that the longer I wait to vaccinate my baby, the less total vaccination shots he needs? That poses the question of how efficient are the vaccinations to begin with?

I don’t think enough research has been conducted on the short/long term side effects of these toxic and controversial ingredients. Just like we wouldn’t let the Gov. raise our child for us, we can’t let the Gov. decide whats best for them without truly knowing their intentions? Is it about money?? There is a lot of covering up and denial of vaccination injuries.

Knowing that the pharmaceutical industry is a multi-billion dollar establishment, who are the true beneficiaries? Our children or stock owners?

After Ethan was born, I conducted research for several months and chose which vaccinations I felt comfortable giving:

Hep B: 1 shot (because they persuaded me to give in right after he was born, which was a mistake)
DTAP: 3 shots (because of the concern of contracting whooping cough, airborne virus)
PC: 1 shot (because it’s a very common germ and may cause severe reactions if baby caught it)

He is 12 months old, only had 2 runny noses and 1 fever. Very healthy and bright boy.
I found Dr. Sear’s Vaccinations

book EXTREMELY helpful in making my decision.

Just build his immunity up naturally, so that if he does contract something, the body will be better equipped fighting it off.

Here are some links that helped me:

Hope this helps!

I delayed the traditional vaccination calendar by a month. In Australia babies have Hep B at birth (which she did not have), and then at 2, 4, 6 and 12 months. My daughter had her first shot at 3 months, 5 months etc.
I did not do it on purpose though, i was too exhausted the first 3 months to even think of making an appointment…

A federal court ruled recently that the autism links to vaccines (or really the preservatives) in vaccines was “speculative” and not support by evidence.

Personally, I understand why parents of autistic children seek an answer.

Nevertheless, IMHO the risks of developing childhood diseases that are prevented by vaccines are too great to avoid getting vaccines.

I think that the non-vaccinated childrent really reap the benefit of the vastly greater number of vaccinated children who prevent the spread of the viruses.

Additionally, I live in Miami, FL which has a great number of immigrants (legal or otherwise) from countries that still have these diseases and bring them here. Not vaccinating might work in North Dakota or Ohio, but again, IMHO not in Miami.

Moreover, except for some flu vaccines, the preservative in question has been eliminated from vaccines since 2001 or 2002.

While I question early adoption of some medicines, the childhood vaccines have been studied for some time. For example, the swine flu is a lot of hype. I am not having anything to do with worry on that one or bird flu. I understand that much of the “gulf war syndrome” is the result of experimental vaccines that the government gave to the soldiers in a single combination.

I agree… Dr.Sears “Vaccine Book” is a God-send! So helpful not matter what viewpoint you begin with. It is fair and even-handed. Gives you truly helpful alternatives to the prescribed vaccination schedule. If anyone has questions at all this book is a MUST! It even gives tips on how to boost your child’s immune system to avoid the common reactions from vaccinations.

all this information is really interesting,thanks

This is a very “touchy subject”. I try to look at things from every angle and then pray and decide what’s best for Ethan. I know the concern of many parents who have fully vaccinated their children and are upset/angry at those parents who did not, possibly making it riskier for a widespread of virus’. I would never intentionally want put Ethan or any other child purposely at risk but can not take the risk of potentially harming Ethan with the vaccine side-effects/injuries (it seems as if there are more injuries from Vaccines than they prevent)

After TONS of research, I am still confident that I made the right choice. Like I said earlier, I would have fully vaccinated if the ingrediants were safer. According to Dr. Sears Vaccine book, many of the childhood vaccinations are rare in America, for example, Polio(0 cases), Hib (25 cases), Hep B (30 cases in babies), MMR. Measles 50-100 cases, R(20 cases). The fact is that the number of cases were declining before vaccinations were even administered.

If vaccinations really work, Why are parents who vaccinate concerned with wether or not others choose to vaccinate?

This is a very interesting topic. I am very hesitant to give my child all the vaccines required. However my husband insisted that we gave him the shot because somehow it is required especially when the kids starts to go to school. Personally, I think I should only give my child the vaccine I think that he needs such as the polio, MMR, and the hep b. However I don’t have much choice. What I did was somehow delayed the vaccine schedule for few days or week from the supposed scheduled vaccine. It is somehow a reassurance that vaccine does not cause autism. I still doubt the facts. I am an immigrant here, and the only time I got my shots was when I was 25, so I could come in the states.

In Turkey we shot
Obligatory Vaccines
HepB in the first 24 hour after born, 1th month age and 6th month age. (3 doses)
BCG 2nd-3rd month and 7 years old (2 doses)
Pertussis-diphteria-tetanus-polio-meningitis (mixed) and pneumonia 2-4-6(polio given oral)-18(polio oral) months (4 doses)
MMR 9 month 7 years old (2 doses)
These vaccines are free, Ministiry of Health pays.
Optional Vaccines
chicken pox (varicella) 12th month
HepA 14-20 month (2 doses)
Rota virus 2-4-6 month (3 doses)
10-25years old HPV (3 doses 0-1-6 months) (For females only)

We did not want to give our child all the shots they recommend at once. We decided to take into account the Sears Schedule and consulted our own Ped. and made our own schedule. It is a little bit of a hassle to take her in every month to have one to two shots, but I believe in the long run it is better for her.

Our reasoning was that if an adult has to have a immunization they do not give 4-6 shots at one sitting. It is too hard on a baby to have so many shots at one time.

We have our schedule on file with the Dr. and we will use it for any future children. My suggestion is to talk to your Ped. and see what they recommend, but don’t be dissuaded by your Dr. if they believes there is no risk or harmful side effects.

I know that we have not had any side effects of the vaccines that we have given our child already. (They warn for fever…etc.)

My suggestion is to do your own research and to be prepared for your first appointment. I have heard from some friends that their Ped. was not flexable and had to switch and find someone new right away. Find a Ped. you can “grow up” with and who will “know” your child and their chart.

I also gave my son Hep B baccine at the birth. How I really regret about it when you think about aluminum count inside!

I found a Dr. Sear’s book too late after he was 9-months-old. Parents who wants to know all about baccine contents, risk et cet, Dr. Sear’s book is so great.

I followed his schedule not to give so many baccines at the same time, but spread it to each months. In that way, I didn’t have to worry about whatever government is saying about or not saying about autism and baccines.

I just wished that I read that book before I had my son :frowning: So, I could have made informed choice.

My pediatrician recommended a delayed vaccination schedule. She specifically said that speech-language regressions are observed in boys around the 15 month shots. My son is 15 months, and no way I’m messing with his progress. He’s had 2 rounds of vaccines, one at 4 mo and one at 6 mo. At his 9 mo appt we switched docs, and she was like “What’s the rush?” I’m not sure how or if it ties in with autism, but my pediatrician believes that it does and advises her patients accordingly.

Another very important link on Vaccinations:

STOP! Read This Before Vaccinating for Anything