How fast should I be going?

Hello, I’ve just started experimenting with Little Reader on my six month old. She gets very easily distracted by what’s going on around her so her eyes wander about the place or she bangs on the keyboard. I try and remove all distractions before we start the session but I’m sure this is quite normal for a 6 month old so I’m just trying to ensure she is exposed to the lessons twice a day in the hope that she’s taking some of it in.

What I’d like to know is how long should I be spending on the multi-sensory section. I tend to go through it quite quickly. I repeat the words and the actions but in general I’m going quite fast. Should I slow down? I read somewhere that babies only need to view a card/slide for a couple of seconds so thought it was good to go fast. But not 100% sure.


Rachel, it looks like you are doing great! You will be surprised how much babies learn from just a momentary exposure, at that age doing it fast and keeping it moving is important. Little babies primarily using their Right Brain to absorb information.

As fast as possible.