How early your baby started reading?


Please tell your expereince…
How old was your kid when he/she started reading?
When did you started teaching him/her?


I’m new to this site, but I would guess that you may need to outline what you are calling reading.

With my oldest, I didn’t set out to teach her. She was insatiable with the questions though and I answered thoroughly, gave her info I thought she’d be interested in, took her to the next step many times. By her third birthday, she was reading chapter books (Charlotte’s Web, for example). Her math, writing, physical abilities were also a bit advanced. We were very low-key. It never would have crossed my mind to teach her school materials at that age and I had a special needs baby that took up my time also.

My son had some special needs and I wish I had continued Doman with him (and started sooner too!). Anyway, in less than 2 months, at just under 2, he could read a good 70 words. It jumped started his speech. We did have to continue sign for clear communication though. My son is very intuitive with math. Did that small amount of Doman math at 2 help that much? I don’t know. :slight_smile:

Hopefully the new ones will read much earlier, much better, and we’ll continue with the accelerated (linear and broad!) learning.