How do you work in lots of languages?

Hello all!

I’m really struggling to fit languages into my schedule with my son. I love learning languages and want to learn as many as possible, and allow Nicholas to have the most languages possible… but I just can’t seem to schedule them all in! I have wasted months and months planning ways to introduce lots of languages and managing only a token dribble of Chinese and a good dose of Russian (but not nearly as much as I should have, considering I want it to be his second NATIVE language and I speak it relatively fluently).

I find that being a single parent, I have soooo many other things to do and I get lost in plots and plans and never actually implement them! I only speak English and Russian, and am trying to phase out all English when it is just the two of us, since he will always get plenty of English. At the moment I put on LR once a day and Pim whenever I need 20minutes to myself! So he gets about 1hr of Chinese a week. Sometimes we play Pim in Japanese or Spanish.

I’d love to add some European languages - French, German, Spanish… but I don’t know how to do so and let him get a good enough exposure to each of them to actually LEARN them!

So my question is: How do you people who have lots of languages in the home teach them? How do you teach languages you don’t know? How do you have one parent teaching two (or more!) languages that you do know?

Sorry for the long winded post!

I’m also very interested how moms arrange their language-learning schedule…and what exactly do you use for teaching?

As for us for the present moment our daily schedule is the following:
Chinese before breakfast(apprx.1 hour) (LR, WTL, Sing to learn(4-5 songs), audiofairytale (8-20 min). chinese kids songs)
Spanish after breakfast (apprx. 40 min-1 hour) (Baby Bit, Whisterfitz for beginners, songs)

after sleeping:
Chinese (30 min) (LR, WTL, Little Pim)
20-30 min break than
English (LR, cartoon Peppa Pig, Super Simple Songs - 2-3 songs I show with toys)

We had French, but stoped for a while…
I dream about ARabic - searching for the material…y
And I plan to add German and French sistematically later.That’s why I’m interested who and how moms plan.
I also teach all languges alone, and I speak only English, can understand a bit German and French from school ( need practice), my husband speaks Spanish very good, but he is not motivated very good and was fed up after a week…

and I also have a question would it be enough for language to have two days a week?
I would like to have Chinese Arabic and English daily, and all the rest for 2 days a week (Spanish, French, German)

It seems we are on the same track.

As i mention on the other thread about raising kids, we are also doing our best to expose my grand daughter to many languages.

We started less than two month ago and we know that will not see results too fast but i am convinced that the best investment is your childs education and the more she is expose to the easier it will be for her to learn another language or at least to get the correct pronunciation on her head so if she continues learning it will help. If she listens the same songs or sees the same videos over and over in another language, she will learn. Of course if you can get someone to reinforce it , the better.

What i will also want to know about others experience is if it is better to use one language daily or to have seperate sessions in different languages all days.

Well are using english every day and we play spanish and french songs once a week. I am trying to collect more material for teaching spanish and french and hopefully with more material there will be more work done :). I do not speak french or spanish myself.

Anyway I think it is easier to use one language a day but in our case we use two languages - english and native slovak language daily ,plus we add french and spanish twice a week using songs and Little Pim. I have to search for recommended material and you tube channels.

And also I was thinking-do I have to use this schedule for ever? I mean if I speak to my child in english when we are alone, do I have to use this pattern for ever in order to maintain the ability to use the language? When is the right time to stop using forein language and start using native language. Once she starts using the language at school or until she is fluent?

I speak Chinese and Shanghainess to her as much as possible even in public. (I am a native speaker of both) I will take her to Chinese buffet once a week and have the waitress interact with her. (They love to! ) So she hears them from someone else other than mommy. I am trying to get some quality media for her as support material. I also am trying to get my parents involved on the phone with her. (Hopefully in person soon too.) I took her back to China twice last year for 3-4 week a clip. (Hopefully I planned the seeds. lol)

I am not worry about her English learning opportunity at all.

I got a lot of world music from library and playing them in the car. For now, just have her get a feel. Not really teaching. I think there are a lot of environment for Spanish. I already found a school that teaches Chinese, Spanish and English all at once so she will have chance to learn from other kids there early on.

I think it’s enough for her little mind. If you want to learn more, she certainly can, later on.

It is very interesting to see what she will pick up from where. It’s obvious that she picked up some words from YBCR, a lot of concept from sparkability, also a lot of words from playing game in car while mama trying to entertaining her. (Sadly, it’s the only time she focus on what I say. )

Let me share my experience with you (guys) and hopefully I can help too.
Learning as a little baby/ young child is just amazing! My son is bilingual: my husband talks in English, myself in Hungarian to/with him. He is 2.5 now and can understand both languages and speeks as well (his hungarian is better though since I’m home with him). Couple of month ago we started to introduce Spanish to him, watching Little Pim every morning and then using the words for a couple of minutes in different situations almost every day. He learned a lot, remembered words I needed to check in my notebook…So just a few days ago I started Little Pim in Chinese, again, every morning is with Chinese Pim, once a week some kind of spanish DVD plus every day some spanish exercise, mostly conversation, or "helping’ me tu put the flashcards on the write objects…
Interesting thing happened the other day. Only after the second or third day of watching Chinese Pim, he used a word- obviously not english, nor Hungarian or Spanish but I just couldn’t believe that he remembers and pronounce a Chinese word. AND HE DID! Next day he showed me on TV what he was talking about the day before! AMAZING!

I have been teaching my son Spanish and Chinese in addition to our native language English.
My parents speak and read to him in Hindi on Sundays. Throughout the week I show him short nursery rhyme video clips of Hindi before bedtime reading time.
We do Chinese and English Little Reader twice a day, early afternoons and evenings, except for holidays.
I am waiting for Little Reader Spanish :slight_smile:
In the mornings after breakfast we watch Boca Beth or her online tv channel to get us in a happy excited mood for the day.
Then we play while listening to spanish cds.
In the evenings we watch various Chinese/Spanish dvds after dinner.
Whenever he is playing in his playroom I let Little Pim Spanish or Chinese play in the background.
I play cds in all these languages whenever given the opportunity.
It is hard to have a set schedule in addition to everything else so if some cds or dvds do not get played I do not hold it against myself.
I do try and have been very successful at making sure he has his LR lessons twice a day, flashcards three times a day and I read to him for atleast an hour each day.
We also use different apps on his ipad2 for all four of the languages.
We also watch you tube video clips for the four languages.
I am slowly adding different dvds and cds to our collection but so far my son really loves READEEZ

Mala Bala,

How do you do with LR in Two languages? I want to introduce French and Portuguese to my 5 months old baby! Do you mix the words in one lesson? Or you have one lesson for each language 2x a day, every day ( that means I would have in my case 6 lessons per day?) so confused!!!

Is it possible to edit LR to have the other two languages I want to start?

Thanks :wacko: