How do you teach an active child?

Hi all, I started my 6 mth old boy on YBCR a week ago. It is recommended that it be shown twice a day however I really struggle to get him to sit still for 3 minutes to watch it. We have tried dimming the room, removing distractions but he just doesn’t really seem interested, only when the songs come on!! I have got to the stage that I get him to watch it for about 5 mins while he is in his high chair but he seems to get bored with it and is always looking around. Has anyone else had this issue? Should I put it away for now and try again in a few months. He is already crawling and is much more intersted in moving around than watching a DVD. Any tips would be great! Thanks, Amelia

I think postponing the program is better.
And also, adjust to your baby’s needs: be more active. Have fun crawling with him, racing towards and playing games with toys, words, whatever. I still make my son crawl as we crawl together and try to “kick”/toss a ball with our hands or push a truck or whatever. And by doing movements he likes I can teach him different things. I’ll try using active games with math and reading to make things more fun and enjoyable to him, as some parents suggested on the forum.
In fact, I’ve come up with few ideas just by watching YBCR or LR with him.

This is a common complaint/problem on here - in general a child who is working on muscle movement will not be so interested in sitting still to see things - pick a quieter time or show them while they are on the move. Stick words where your child is crawling to or show them when they are in the car seat/high chair. Maybe postpone using YBCR or choosing a time when you are feeding your child so he is in the high chair anyway.

I think it is best right now that you postpone the YBCR. Most 6 month babies love exploring new things around them and they couldn’t sit still. I think it is best that you schedule it most likely when he/she is tired already or come feeding time or when he/she is about to go to sleep.

Give him time.
I tried to start my son at 5 months and he would do everything except look at the computer screen. I stopped for a month and what a difference. I usually sit on the floor with him on my lap. I am glad the keyboard locks! He will even crawl over to me if I am on the computer. I stop what I was doing and we do a lesson at least twice a day. After being afraid I waisted so much money on LR and my active boy would not even look at it I can honestly say he looks forward to our lesson times. He gets excited when he sees laugh, smile and hears the animal signs.

Just relax and give him more time. Like others said maybe try a time when he is less active or wants to cuddle. Be excited yourself and make if fun for both of you. I have my son stand, sit, point when LR does it. I take his hand to touch his hair, ears, eyes etc. Try to emphaise the physical parts. I am not familiar with YBCR, maybe you should do the trial of LR to see if both of you like it. Many parents do multiple early learning programs. Good luck to both of you!

Thanks so much for all the advice, we are currrently doing the trial of LR and it seems to be not too long so he can get through it if I go through the sections fast enough. I think I will have to purchase it and put YBCR to the sidelines for now. Thanks again.

Good luck - babies, toddlers and even children change so fast that you will need to keep adapting to what your child needs. Maybe it is LR now and YBCR later and maybe you need to come back to both at some stage or try something else - as long as they keep learning something and it stays fun then you are doing a great job. LR is excellent cause even if the curriculum isn’t taking your child’s fancy you can design your own categories as short as they need to be for your child’s attention span and also things they are interested in. Hope things go well.

You have gotten lots of good thoughts. I would only add that my son is also active, and I found my best luck with videos was right after he woke up (more receptive and quiet), as I was feeding him. He had to be strapped in the high chair, anyway, so why not put on the video as he was fed? He was initially captured only by the music but eventually watched the whole thing. Also agree with what they are saying, follow what he seems to be into!