I gave up on a schedule! I have three under four, so my day can be all over the place. What I found that works for me is keeping a list of activities handy. I then choose what to do based on my kids are acting. If they are full of energy and are about to explode, we either go outside if its nice (which it has been lately) or we jump on the bed. I usually turn jumping on the bed into a learning activity after we say a few affirmations. We either count our jumps in Spanish, English or Chinese. We are up to ten in Chinese, twenty in Spanish and I am usually counting to seventy five in English. hahaha.
We have art time. I generally give them art supplies, and I don’t usually have a planned art activity. They like to be creative on their own without any restrictions. I will sit side by side with them and do my own. If what I do interests them, then I help them or show them what I am doing.
We have Spanish time. I show them a powerpoint that coincides with the episode they are about to watch. We watch fifteen minutes of SALSA (kid’s Spanish program). We then get the play dollhouse after that and practice using Spanish with toys. (I am not fluent, so I just insert key phrases and ideas introduced in the short video we just watched.)
I play memory games with them. I made a Spanish Memory game that coincides with words from the tv series. My son is more interested in memory games than my daughter right now. We also play the memory linking game, too.
We always go to the gym in the mornings. They get to go play in the kid area while Dh and I get a break to workout (After 3 kids in a row, I am ready to get my body back). We then pick them up from the kid area and take them to the gym to practice dribbling soccer balls or basketballs. Tuesdays, my DD takes them swimming individually.
Flashing sessions are intermittent throughout the day. (I am working on my own series of powerpoints that are similar to tweedlewinks, but if I had the money I would so have those videos). Something is better than nothing right? Lots of reading…library trips weekly.
For music, well, I show them a Solfege ppt. I just lack musical talent, so I feel bad that I don’t sing to my kids. I am going to look for a little keyboard to pick up for the kids at a yard sale. Again, something is better than nothing right?
We have memberships to the zoo and the children’s museum so we go there a couple times a week. My DH has a random schedule that changes from week to week day to day, so its very hard to schedule anything. We are a very spontaneous family. I have learned to make any moment a learning opportunity on a whim. It causes you to be constantly engaged to look out for an opportunity. Plus my list is pretty handy. I would be lost without it.
To my own disappointment, my children do not take naps. I gave up along time ago. They just can’t settle down for a nap. Plus, if I gave them a nap, it would take forever to get them to sleep at night. Instead, they are in bed at 7 pm every night which works for me.
Just a couple more weeks and I will have LR! I can’t wait. I will say that flashing powerpoints is great, but I find myself all over the place. I think LR will help me give a more focused flashing lesson twice a day.