How do you schedule so many learning products

Most of the parents in this forum uses almost many kind of learning products to teach there kids like Glenn doman flash cards and cd-rom, rightbrainkids tweedle wink and wink dvd’s , wink to learn chinese language dvd’s, magic memory,Your baby can read books and dvd’s and offcouse Little Reader. I want to ask how do you schedule each one of them.I mean there are many parents using Little Reader,YBCR,and Tweedle wink.How to use all of them.And get best result out of it.
And some of the product parents guide says that to use that product daily to get best result than how do you schedule ???Because almost all product says the same ie to use it daily???So is it really possible for all parents to use all product daily???If yes than how do you guys manage your schedule???If no than lets discuss it how to manage???
Please share your views regarding this.

Sapna, I have posted this elsewhere, but this is what we do every day. Let me know if you have any questions.

Every day Gabriel watches one or two YBCR videos (he only has to watch one now b/c he is on the review DVD. It is recommended that your baby watches them twice per day up until then). We also have the YBCR books, word cards and sliding word cards, so we do those throughout the day too.

We also play 5 categories of Little Reader and one set of dots from Little Math 3 times a day.

I also do the encyclopedic knowledge program along the Doman lines. We do those flash cards 3 times a day.

Before bed we watch 1/2 of a baby signing time or signing time DVD. We used to watch Tweedlewink, but Gabriel was having problems communicating so I wanted him to watch the signing videos instead. We will go back to Tweedlewink sooner or later.

We also play classical magic almost every day and we read books throughout the day.

All of these sessions are short, so there is a lot of playing time in between. We spread everything out throughout the day. Some days we are not able to fit everything in, so encyclopedic knowledge and classical magic are the lessons that we forgo. But normally, we can fit everything in, provided Gabriel is receptive.

It’s always best for me to schedule learning times around life, not life around learning times. So we do Bit cards during bath, other cards during breakfast and lunch. Timothy can watch YBCR while I shower. We do Little Reader and Little Math right after I check my email, etc. That helps us remember everything!

And we don’t get to it all everyday, but that’s doesn’t bother me a bit!

Nikki can i ask you that in classical magic you have to start with Beginners(Basics)than only you can get along???Or you can pick up any and than you start up.I mean that site doesnt have any clear information.If you dont mind can you explain how to start up classical magic and how it works.

There are two books with different periods and composers from those periods. They have information on the periods and the composers, along with snippets from one or more of their pieces. The first song will be the actual music, and the second song will be the music + lyrics. The lyrics are catchy and include the composers name so you will remember who wrote it when you hear it again. Here is what they recommend I normally read what info it has and then play one or two pieces a day. I play the same pieces again the next day. I think you can do it however you want.
I like it, and so does Gabriel. I have learned to recognize several pieces just from listening to them.

And their site has a lot of info on the program


Sorry if this is out of topic. :blush:
What are the classical magic products must haves?
There seems so many, but what do you think is necessary?
Where is the best to order these products?

There are 2 books with CDs included. That’s all I have. I really don’t know what other products they have.

For Classical Magic I have: Themes To Remember - Volume 1, Themes To Remember - Volume 2, and Classical Karaoke for Kids with CD. I also have Portraits of the Music Masters which is a small book with pictures of the composers and short stories great for reading on the go or keeping in a different room for story time.

This is the site I bought them from:

They have a 6 year schedule that gives the themes in ascending order of difficulty. What I have done is put the songs on my ipod in the recommended order. Then I play a song for a week and then either daily (or at least once a week) we listen to all of the songs we have learned up to that point. Here is the schedule.

I am actually awed by the different methods to teach a child … Still planning on a schedule for my kid …

Not sure when I am going to come to a conclusion …

Classical magic series look so interesting. I have so many things in my to do list. This now adds to it! :slight_smile:

Will you all wait to start the 6 year schedule when they are in kindergarden or would you start it now. My baby is 13 months.

Karma to everyone!!! :slight_smile:

I was looking for some good classical CD’s to introduce. I’m completely musically stupid so when I saw the post for the Classical Magic I knew that was something that I should try. I just bought the Themes to Remember Volumes 1 & 2, New World, and Classical Karaoke at Amazon who offered free shipping. Also I got Beethoven’s Wig 1, 2, & 3, which is another classical music production designed to introduce music in a funny way.

Beethoven’s Wig

I love that the Classical Magic website has a six-year schedule. I think that we will begin immediately and reintroduce when the boys are older as needed. :slight_smile:

Oh I am loving that classical magic site. I always wondered how to introduce classical music and the actual composition names.

Yeah, I didn’t even know that they had products out there that had lyrics to classical music. I liked the sample songs that they had on their website and love that the songs often include things about th music being listened to and includes the name of the composer. I’m going to have to let my sister who is a music nut know about this when I get the books and CDs in the mail! :slight_smile:

nsure: Is the Classical Magic site intended just to teach about music and or singing?

I have the YBCR and I let my baby watch this program when she is having breakfast and lunch (she is very active and this is the only way she will look at it). The books and the flashcards we will do them before naptime or bedtime. I just got LR & LM. We don’t have a schedule yet with LR but we are playing with it and we use LM 3 times per day. I am planning to add very soon to our activities signing time DVDS which we saw them on you tube and she really loved them (I was introduce to them in this web).
I would love to buy the classical magic Cds but I will have to wait at little bit more for that.
Thanks for the information about the Classical Magic CDs.

The only thing I really schedule is YBCR during breakfast. My son sits on his chair and points to the blank tv. Late afternoon we usually watch another dvd of some sort. Flashcards and books are just picked up (mostly by my son) during the day and he goes over to the computer periodically pointing at the screen for LR. (Haven’t started LM yet). He gets a book or YBCR book before each nap during the day. Not really a stringent schedule but incorporating all the education products I can throughout the days activities.


The schedule tips are very helpfull.

Excellent links. Thank you everyone.
This deserves to go to a separate topic.

I don’t really have schedule playing all their DVDs, I play them in random aside from YBCR, it’s always the 1st DVD I play everyday because after playing other DVDs, they’ll ignore YBCR.

I hear you Sapna, I am in the same boat. Last week I had reached the pinnacle of being completely haphazard with these activites and I stopped and wrote down my goals for my childs education/development and made a list of things I would surely do and other list of things I could do if i have time and energy. It helped me that I had a decent schedule of LM and LR and EK. Now i am in process of reviewing some products to see which I can add. But between activites for fine-motor, physical development, having my child assist for daily activites in the kitchen , going to parks, libraries, my work and my hobbies and most importantly , my husband!!, it is hard to fit in most of the things. So like I said I will prioritize and not worry about things which I cannot fit in at this point, reshuffle topics like Little pim for sometime followed by tweedlewink for some days .