How do you SAHMs structure your day

After many years of owning my own business, I sold it after becoming pregnant. I am struggling with daily activities. My daughter is 4 month old and I just recently learned about early learning so I am just now making and acquiring flashcards. But basically, I read to her, sing to her, play with her throughout the day, do a daily stroll and when she naps I rush to get laundry done, clean and cook. But I am also spending a lot of time in front of the tv. I guess I am worried that I am setting a bad example (of course I know tv can be a useful tool, too). I tried weaning myself, but it usually only lasts a week. Does anyone have any advice?

Well, I wish I had the time to watch t.v. My dd didn’t sleep much as a baby and still isn’t sleeping as a toddler. Most days when she sleeps I sleep. When she is awake I am either teaching her, playing with her, or trying (usually unsuccessfully) to get my house in some order. However, I keep hoping that one day I will be organized and well rested enough to do any of the following:
Write a letter to my dd every day. Right now I only do this about once a week.
Finish her baby book.
Print baby pictures and make a picture book.
Organize vacation photos from 3 years ago.
Read any one of about 20 parenting books I have sitting on my bookshelf.
Paint the stairwell.
Organize the growing pile of paper beside my desk.
Sort through bags and bags of hand-me-up clothes.
Make more BIT cards.
Make felt shapes for geometry teaching.
Get involved in volunteerring in the community.

Other than getting up in the morning, and going to bed at night, I have absolutely no structure to my day. Everyday is different, and with 5 kids, is unpredictable. Oh to have the time to relax, to do relaxing activities like scrapbooking and making flashcards. Dont have the time right at this present time. Yesterday I had to tidy up the garage ready for some storage cabinets to be delivered. Speak to a lawyer opn the phone, then another call to mediation centre, then another call to telephone mediation centre. Drop one kid at daycare. Go to shops. Unload car. Pick same kid up later. Drop off something to a relative. Pick up boy from a sleepover. On top of that the usual cleaning has to be done. And mothering (nappy changes, feedings educating). Brillkids, facebook, emails, ebay etc on top. I’m WORN OUT!!
So enjoy your SAHM and one child while you can!! that’s an easy life!!


I remember having the same issue when my kids were so little. I see that you are reading, singing, playing, and strolling with her. I also read in other threads that you are gearing up to start flashcards and that you play classical music to her. Great job - She is a lucky little girl. Anyway, back to your issue, sometimes I remember just feeling disconnected from the adult world and the TV was a way to connect. I would fold the laundry in front of it or play it in the background while cleaning. I didn’t like it either because it does set a bad example - it can be so mind numbing and addictive. As your daughter gets older it will be easier to wean yourself off of the TV because there are lots of stimulating free activities for older kids- story time, library, playground, etc. But now that she is so little you are a bit more house bound. So in the meanwhile, you could try switching to NPR (National Public Radio) for educational radio. It is less trance inducing but might help you feel connected to world. Also you could try setting aside time for yourself when she is asleep to go online and check the news and gossip. Also staying connected to this site will help. If you can afford it, you could join a baby class like “My Gym.” My daughter and I joined one when she was about 18 months old, but they do have classes for babies as young as 6 weeks old. We go twice per week. It helps me feel connected to the world when I socialize with other moms there, and my daughter gets exercise. You could also join a Mom’s group. I’ve thought of joining one but haven’t done so myself. Anyway I just want to reassure you that it will get better as she gets older and you aren’t so stuck in the house.

Good Luck, Lori

I programmed 3 days at different free mommy and me groups. It was may adult interaction during my one year maternity leave.