How do you make your own math worksheets?

I make horizontal addition problems on excel. I want to make addition vertical problems too. I know I could do it with Microsoft Word but it seems cumbersome. I like excel but I can’t figure out how to do it there. I don’t like math worksheet generators. I’m a control freak and like being to pick out each problem myself. Any ideas?


I know your feeling. I’m a control freak, too! lol
But for your problem, I recommend you to check out beestar math program. My daughter has been using it. Beestar offers 2 worksheet per week. Every worksheet includes 10 quick questions, full of all real life world problems, challenging stuff to help kids thinking. DD loves it a lot. Hope it also helps you.

Do you make your own problem akalori?
My baby can’t solve them but I want to make them in the future?
I wonder whether I should follow Some pattern or just do what I want!


I do make my own problems, but my son is 8 yrs old so I’m not teaching a “clean slate.” He really understands addition but just hasn’t memorized his addition facts. At school, he has already covered double digit addition and subtraction with and without regrouping and skip counting. Therefore there are some facts he knows better than others so I make worksheets designed specifically for him.

I’ve wanted to teach my daughter (age 4). She is already ahead of him in reading due to this site and early learning. However I want my son to have at least one area where he isn’t being challenged by his sister. Once my son masters addition to my satisfaction then I planned to teach my daughter. In the meanwhile, my daughter is working on some kindergarten math books just to keep her busy. Unfortunately they teach the groundwork for addition so she won’t be a clean slate either. If I had a completely clean slate (a little one who hasn’t been introduced to addition) I would teach the math facts first before teaching the meaning of it all. In fall, when my son returns to school, I may just try teaching my daughter to memorize her addition facts.

Did you do any Doman dots with your baby? Some people start there so their baby learns to recognize quantity. I think Glenn Doman has you introduce math facts in order +1, … +9. However it has been a long time since I read his books. I don’t have them to check facts. However I’m sure the info is on this site if you do a search. I might also get a video recommended by Linzy called “Professor Harold’s Video Flash Cards Addition.” Once she memorizes the facts, then I think I will introduce each new addend in order on worksheets then later I would would mix them all up.


Hi Lori,

My LO is around 10 months old. I don’t know to much about Glenn Doman but it’s similar to Shichida which she is going to classes now.

I think flashcard is base on both method!
I just want to start home practice by math flashcards and LR!
There is a 63 days math program which should repeated 4 times. At the first just show 1-100 dots then after months addition and multiply.

Here is shichida site :
You can see some problems that was solved by 2 and half year old !!