how do you keep consistent on your program

hi there.

consistency seems to be the key to a successful outcome of the reading maths and general knowledge program.

id like to know your ideas on how to keep the program going. how do u stay focused. do you keep reminders or do you have an interesting routine.
please share!! it would be helpful to alot of us.


That is a good question, when I first started I was very consistent…doing everything at the same time of the day, then my daughter stopped sleeping through the night, I got very tired and started slacking off. I have a very hard time getting motivated :frowning:

Any tips anyone has for staying on track would be great.


That’s how I do it. This is on a PERFECT day though, but there are a few tricks (having your material ready, in specific rooms etc)

MOM of Faith had a folder idea she uses in the video section. I have used this idea to make 5 folders for my dd program. I split her program up into the 5 folders. Then when it’s time to do another set I just pull the cards from that folder. Sticky notes can be placed on the folder to say if you need to add certain cards into the next folder or retire a word or card. I don’t forget how many session I’ve done this way or which cards to do next. I keep them on my computer desk because A) I spend a lot of time on the computer so I see them often and B) they are visable to me all day as my computer desk is in my living room.

I’m still trying to work out a good program. So far this is what I have for “organization”:

I do most of my program on PC (thanks to LR and LM as well as PowerPoint presentations) largely because I couldn’t keep organized with paper cards. I still have my Peter and Jane readers, crafts, pre-writing/writing practice, math and painting we to on paper, but I just keep it all in a pile and don’t worry what got done for the day. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

For flashcards… I keep all of them in separate bags.
power point…in the file in my computer with my daughters name.
books… I put books all over the house…kitchen,her bedroom,my bedroom.the living room,the bathroom…you named it!
The best time for my to work with my daughter is when she gest up, give her bottle, change her diapper and I play the YBCR video and,after that is breakfast and after breakfast play flashcards with her…she know her routine, she will go and grab the bags of the flashcards and bring them to me…
We do this over and over in the afternoon and before going to bed.

Once you figure out what you will teach your little one, then you find out when they are the most receptive, designate times to teach each topic and get into a rountine. This is what I did, but now that my son would rather be outdoors I have adjusted my teaching to fit his schedule. For example, we have rocks in our backyard which he loves playing with so I will use sidewalk chalk to write words or do math on the sidewalk. He also likes to read words that I write on some of the larger rocks :slight_smile: …hope this helps!!

I love the idea of words in chalk. My dd loves sidewalk chalk. We will have to try this.

such fascinating insights!

glad i asked. i love the organisation tips and those unique ideas like the books all over the place and the rocks!!

what also helps me is when i am up early than usual and i organise myself and the house and the food by say 8 or 9. then my day seems to go so smooth. and i fit in what i need to and more. but my personality is such that if i dont stick to my routine, my whole day falls apart. thats my biggest concern at the moment. its all about me!!! and how efficient i can be to make the best of my day. you get some moms that have all this energy and their home is always running the way it should. im not one of them! but when i try harder i somehow have more motivation and energy.

This is my second time around having a child. Actually, these teaching activities seem to make it easier to raise a child because you have activities to do with them. With my first child, we lived on Lake Huron and would spend a lot of time walking along the water (or on the ice) going to the local park or the McDonald’s play area.

These teaching activities seem as if they will make home time easier for me (with this post my daughter is only 2 1/2 weeks)

Congratulations on your new baby! Kids get bored so easily. Doing a few “words” here and there break up the day! :slight_smile:

I love the chalk idea. This will come in handy this summer! :slight_smile:

I have a room with shelves and i place all the different flash cards (multiple language, maths, music, ek, etc), i also prepare a list once a mth or so, so all the words are already arranged, and each night i will just update the whole lot of 11-15 sets of flash cards, and i just scratch off the words, numbers done and tick the next one in use. It keep the entire flash cards series in order and upto date takes 10 mins each night, but the once a mth thing that takes hours, as have to prepare equations and plan for the entire mth event, a printed copy of everything is left in a file.

The updated files are all placed into her playroom, where music is playing and books are in the shelfs and toys in the box. And every morning after milk, she walks straght into her room turn on the reading cd and get the corresponding book to browse… , when bored she request to change the cd to a music, or get out her toys, she often puts back her toys after playing. And since the FC are in the playroom, we just do it as and when she seems interested and done through out the day … the FC are in sets and filed up on those file or media stand …

If that is the methodology if that is what your asking. But it changes according to what you want to teach and how old or active your child is, or how much he.she is willing to learn.

If your asking about spirit or energy level or attitude… hmmm its very tiring and not much of a life if you want to keep consistency… even a full time mother or father needs to prepare meals for the baby and self, wash bottles, do grocery and laundry, pay bills etc etc … and what about pte time or exercise time … ?? if so teach mon to fri and leave sat and sun to shopping time, outing time, etc etc …

However, if your not a professional parent, and can only do so early in the morning and late in the evening, then it would be best to cut down the number of things you may want to teach … and focus more of it on sat and sun …

Fatima :slight_smile:

If your day just doesn’t start well and falls apart … realize that that’s educational too :wink: Your baby will learn that everything doesn’t have to be perfect all the time … in fact its good for it to fall apart so you can pick it back up again even better than before ;D

And don’t feel guilty… life was not made to be perfect you know :wink:

thanks nohayo
I guess that was just right for me
I work at my computer most of the day, off and on taking care of my two tots. I often sit them on my lap to watch LR, My oldest one 2 1/2 has seen tons of presentations, and there are some which are his favourite. But I neither show them 3 times a day, nor every day of the week. Yet… he is learning. The other day he suprised one of his aunts when he brought a scrap paper and asked me to write him words, I wrote about 20 different words and he read them all perfectly… everyone was surprised… besides I wrote them in English (which is his second language) no one knew that he can only recognize words in english. But it was fun… and he had fun. That’s what I think is most important

Hi all,

I have the same problem too. Now I have 2 babies (one 2-yr 4-month, one 5-month) and I am staying home all the time. It’s hard to keep the program going. I used to play flash card with my older one when she was 9 month but I kinds stopped it after I return to work. And now, I show her YBCR, TweedleWink and signing DVD. And for my little one, i haven’t started any as I can’t find time. The reason is that my baby sleeps more and she usually gets tired after being up for 40 minutes, so I just did flash card with her when she was lying down.

For my older one, I can show her in the morning, after nap and after dinner, but sometimes if I need to feed my little one, I can’t show her! I am afraid that after I return to work (december this year and my older one will be in preschool), it may be even hard to continue.

Any suggestions/experience you would like to share?
