How do you encourage babies to stand/walk earlier

Hi All

My daughter (7 months) has been crawling for a few weeks now and recently she’s begun holding onto things and standing up (not for long and not very often but certainly every now and then). How do I get her interested in wanting to try it more often and also get her interested in walking?

Many thx

I haven’t experienced it myself as I have a 3.5 month old but my mom told me that when teaching my sister and I to walk she would play games with us by standing on the other side of the room and we would try and go to her. Eventually we walked haha . I started at 9 months and my sister at 11.

I wouldn’t rush walking…creeping and crawling are vital to development. they stimulate many parts of the body/brain.

I kept my baby crawling for as long as possible.

when you little one is ready, she will crawl, dont worry. theres no rush.

If he is standing up just say come here and hold your arms out. Praise him and clap when he stands. He will get it in is own time.

Нужно хвалить когда получается, и помогать когда не получается. И всегда с улыбкой и любовью!

I think all babies need hand for crawling and standing b/c they dont have enough strength to stand much longer time. i always encourage my little angle baby and clap :clap: to motivate but still we need to help baby.

I would also suggest more creeping and crawling before walking. We actually placed our furniture as to encourage creeping and crawling more than walking. There are so many benefits to the Cross pattern movement of creeping and crawling such as brain organization, fine motor, reading ability and integrating infant reflexes.