How do you do homolateral patterning?

I’ve seen people mention that they do homolateral patterning with babies. How exactly do you do that?

I’ve never heard of it.

what is it? :clown:

I’m curious to know too!

It’s mentioned here:

It’s something like you move an arm and leg up, then down, then move the other arm and leg up and then down, etc. I think it’s to get their body to feel what it’s like to crawl.

Then there’s heterogeneous patterning I think it’s called, where you do and arm and the opposite leg, and so on.

Something like that I think but want someone to reply and tell me for sure!

Mobility Patterns are fashions in which the brain moves arms and legs in order to move the body from point A to point B in a given floor.
Humans have basically 2 mobility patterns:
Homolateral and Cross (bilateral)
All forms of human mobility (creep, crawl, walk, run) must end up using a perfect cross pattern, where the first two forms starts with homolateral pattern to graduate days ahead in a creep and crawl in a perfect cross pattern fashion.

If a person (baby, child, adolescent or adult) is not capable of cross pattern creeping or crawling, it’s proof his/her primitive zones of the brain (central nervous system) is not well or sufficiently organized, thus, incapable of perfect movement, thus, incapable (partially or totally) of many different abilities spread out in the social-intellectual-physical arena.

In other words, making sure your baby has plenty of floor time with plenty opportunity to move around facing upside down, and plenty of reasons for moving, that will promote your baby to move from A to B, and that by itself should take care of the rest of the abilities, making them to appear sooner than typical (known as a early developmental program)

As long as we parents make sure our babies belong to a clean, warm, safe and loving floor, full of reasons to frequently move around, nature will take care for ALL THE REST OF THE HUMAN ABILITIES to appear right on time.

NOTE: in order for a baby to move, he/she has to be upside down without any interference between floor and skin, so perception (incoming information into the brain: touch, sense) is much clearer and intense, thus, expression (outgoing information from the brain) is possible in quantity and quality. Reason why is always important to avoid as much clothing in arms, legs, hands and feet.

I know about ti and sadly . it is a technique adoped by the Institutes used with their specialneed kids as part of the intensive treatment program and not sure if they encouraged in their better baby course .Same as their brachiation program and many others … my advice provide your babies enough opportunities to move in a loving clean safe environment and nature will take care of the rest ,Pushing your babies by manipualting their limbs in this way is not safe for their musqueletal skeletal and joint structure so please be careful xxx