How do you develop perfect pitch skill in your child

How can i do perfect pitch training activities with my 22 months old child. I heard its a right brain training activity. And i want to encourage it in my child.

My daughter has this natural talent of singing, dancing and playing her piano. I guess it runs in my family. I just dont know how to develop this talent and make full utlization of her right brain.

How do you develop this skill. How is it done at Shichida’s schools

Is it all about exposing your child to different types music , notes, action play songs, nursery rhymes.

If so, would like to know what is the process of doing it and what are the different levels in doing it.

Are there any sites or softwares, that i could train her. I personally dont know any instruments, but want to teach her. All what i have done is, i bought different toy musical instruments for her and she loves playing with them, as she plays she even sings in perfect tune (i dont know how she does it, but she sings in perfect tune), i have never trained her. Since i know its a god-gifted talent, i want to expose her to the world of music, but dont know how to start with.

Need ur advice and help.

Thanks in advance

I got some advice on it here from others…

Hope it helps

Thanks Skylark, I liked the website.