How do others are coping with soul searching along with available to ur child?

For me part of soul searching includes some quiet time…I realize this is
hard with little ones. I am currently cutting back my “screen time” with
computer and TV so that my brain has the chance to think freely during the
day. Whenever ds is asleep, I think, “Now what?” It’s so quiet and I am
alone with my brain, it’s been so long since I’ve done this that my brain
doesn’t know where to go at first. But eventually it gets going. Being in
nature helps, too. Bring a notebook. In fact, just have a notebook and
pencil ready at all times and jot stuff done throughout the day.

For me also it is during quiet times …

What do you mean by soul searching? What are you searching for? Answers to the meaning of life? I have a friend who when she had her first child she became a christian as she suddenly felt the need to have something eternal to pass on to her child, and after doing her soul searching. Me myself came to the point of giving up searching and decided maybe there was no meaning to life… you live it as best you can, hopefully choose the right path eternal life wise, and teach the kids to be open-minded and not just swallow what you believe but explore for themselves, cos you could be wrong. I’m raising my kids christian, but not to be unquestioning close-minded ones, but ones who admit they ar fallible humans who dont know it all and could be wrong in areas of belief. If they choose to read literature from other beliefs, good. An unchallenged unquestioned belief isnt much of a belief.