How do i teach my baby math

I am a working mom and i see my 13 month old for about 2 hours a day before his bedtime. We have been doing very well with reading because he watches the monki see monki do videos, leap frog letter factory and we do power point presentations. We also read ALOT of books. By the time i am done with all of this there is not anytime for math. I have been showing him dots but I only get up to ten and i dont have time to do a second session to get him to 20. Let alone start equations
I found these flash cards at the thrift store that show objects from one to one hundred. The objects (bears, books, fishes etc) goes from 1 to 10, then 20, 30 and so on up to 100. I have been flashing those at him. Is this effective enough. I have also been singing a song to him “1 + 1 is 2” up to 12. IDK if i am doing enough

Any advice?

I think you are doing the best you can with the time that you have!

I think you should pat yourself on the back to begin with for what you are doing first it is hard working and trying to fit it all in. I know I work too.

I use Little Math and play counting games with my daughter whenever I can. I find little Math very convenient as it is already set up for you with all the equations. My little girl will sometimes look at the screen when it is on and sometimes not look at the screen. I do not worry if she does not look at the screen I still proceed with the lesson even if she is just listening to it and not watching I figure it is all going in.

I think showing the flashcards will help and maybe if you wanted to fit more of maths in you could cut back on some of the reading activities that you are doing. If you feel that your son is already doing well with it.


Make sure you make counting games out of everything. When you give her snacks, count each one. You can even do addition and subtraction that way. Count all the crackers and then say “Here’s 10 crackers. How many crackers do you have after you eat 1?” Then you can count them again and say that you have 9. "10-1=9. You can play this game with toys while you’re playing, stickers, crayons, etc. Basically, make everyday experiences into learning experiences, and you won’t be spending any extra time on it.
BTW, it sounds like you are doing a great job!

Anything you can do is helpful even when you have them all day they only pay attention so long. Just make sure you have fun with them and they will learn. Make up games with food or toys with counting. Most important thing you can do with them is spend time with them and interact with them.

Thanks everyone for the input : )

I will definitely do the counting game. I am sure it well be beneficial to him somehow.

Thanks again