How do I stimulate the photographic memory of my kids?

How do I stimulate the photographic memory of my kids?

There is a program for this on dvd (wink) for kids from 5 i think. maybe it works with younger ones?

thanks, I will try


I can only speak for the Tweedlewink and Wink products, and KL’s Brillkids software,not others.
Photographic memory is a function of the Right Brain. Therefore, it is important to develop the right brain. For Children aged 0-3, their right brain pathways are really open, but without constant stimulation, the left brain usually takes over. In order to keep the right brain pathway open, it is important to stimulate the right brain through a series of Right Brain activities. Pamela Heickin the founder of Tweedlewink Right Brain Education, describes them as 12 techniques.

For children aged 0-6, there are Tweedlewink DVD’s. These are a wonderful set of DVD’s, designed to stimulate the right brain pathway, which leads to photographic memory. Each DVD contains 4 lessons, which include poetry, maths, art, science, cultural and early literacy, flashcards, affirmations, perfect pitch, exposure, and visual enhancement exercises. These are designed to gently, and with love, stimulate the right brain pathway.

I can speak for myself - I have been using these DVDs since my daughter was born, with amazing results.
Pamela’s book - Right Brain Education, provides you with all the tools and techniques necessary to stimulate the right brain. But it is VERY time consuming to gather all the materials and keep the lessons interesting, loving and adventurous. Hence, the DVD’s are wonderful. Don’t worry about your child not staring actively at them. Scientist have done research, to prove that children learn by watching, or peripherally (seeing out the corner of their eye), or even spherically (with the DVD’s playing in the background).

KL’s software, teaching your baby to read and do maths also stimulates the right brain VERY well! Through the use of flashing images one second per image, (this resonates with your heart), the right brain sees the image and stores it in memory. The more images, the more neural connections, the greater -photographic memory.

Good luck!

As far as I understand (someone correct me if I’ve misunderstood), it has to do with the speed and frequency that you flash the cards. The right brain is like a camera - it takes pictures. If you want to stimulate it, keep the viewing time short. In other words, you need to flash your cards more quickly. The left brain takes in parts only and usually requires more time and repetitions to remember things. Therefore you should flash quickly and avoid over-flashing (as in repeating the same flashcards too many times) because that promotes left brain development.

There is another two Japanese programs called Shichida and Heguru which are also focused on developing right brain. It is a little more intense and regimental compared to Right Brain Kids Tweedle Wink and Wink programs, but a lot of the activities are the same. A couple of the things they do:

  • linking memory (also known as Silly stories, memory train): where they show a series of unrelated pictures and link them together with a silly story. For example, they might have a picture of a bell, a bird and a comb. The story will go something like: “We listened to some bells. The bells sounded like a bird. The silly bird was using a comb on its feathers.” The aim is to eventually link 100 unrelated pictures together through a story to help remember them.

  • mandala (also known as observation training): a picture pattern is shown with lots of colours. You observe the picture for a while and then the picture is removed and you have to try to recall the picture as accurately as possible - what was in the picture and what were the colours.

well, i dont have any special programs, but i do know a few things that helped out here…i have my granbabies, 5 4 2…no, i was not able to teach them to read at 2 or 3, but they did and still do have a lot of knowledge…with the 2 yr old, especially, i found having the tv on in the background, and while she sleeps, really seems to have made a big difference…she made 2 in dec, and in feb was teaching me how to count in spanish…she speaks with perfect diction, and even corrected me a few days ago…on my grammar…me the one who was an english minor in college…since she was a few weeks old, when she came to stay with me, i would put on the baby first tv channel on my tv in my bedroom…i would lay her in front of it…she loved it…it is designed for babies…at just a few months old, she was getting all excited over certain shows, and was even trying to sing the songs and say the words…we have always read to all of them…but i can say she is the only one who has watched that much tv, and she is in some ways more advanced than the 4 yr old…she of course now watched dora, and kai lan…she was starting to count in chineese 2 days ago…she does the little reader…but was bored with it at 18 mths, and had basicly memorized the order of the words and knew what was comming before it came up…it is hard for me, as i dont have the time to sit with her the way i would like to…maybe next school year when the other 2 are both in school, i can spand more time… jane

Does anyone know where we can download exercises/ worksheet to practice the photographic memory for 3 1/2 years old kid?

Hi Alice

Check out the downloads section of this website, there are hundreds of powerpoint slide presentations which you can print off (even look at the recently added files to the right of this thread). The content is not what makes it right brain, it is the way that it is delivered - so if you flash animal names and associated pics 1 second at a time, that will stimulate the right brain - with the exception of maths, where the content is important as images (instead of numbers) will more easily be interpreted by the right brain

Good luck!


For practicing Linking Memory, you can try:


I have also uploaded some photographic memory materials in Download is free. You just need to signup and you can download for free.


You can also try the following programs:

  • Memory Magic
  • Wink (which someone mentioned)

I think anything with:

  • Linking Memory
  • Mandalas

There’s an activity package which you can buy:

Which covers a lot of the activities done in Heguru and Shichida for developing photographic memory.

Dear Verolpj,
I had sign up but I can’t find the photographic memory materials that u had uploaded in
Pls kindly advise where to download it.
Thank you for sharing

Hi Alice,

Go into and at the main page, you will see flashcards to share. it’s all inside there.


Perhaps it would be useful to point out that photographic memory is not the same as eidetic memory.

Most programs or books that use the term Photographic memory deal with memory techniques.

If you are thinking of a child who can take a mental snapshot of a printed page and recall all the details later, then this would be called Eidetic memory but which I prefer to call Photographic memory.