How do i start using the Shichida method for my baby...

How do i start using the Shichida method for my baby…i’m just begining with it??

Hi Pranjaliz,

Try to go to this link and you will find all the information that you needed. Take some time to read it as the information is a bit overloaded. Hope you enjoy!

Ooops… forget to post the link…

Thanks for the link!!
mY Baby has completed 1 yr…ideally, when should it be started?

Hi Pranjaliz,

You can start the 65 days shichida maths for your kid starting from day 1 onwards. You must first have the Little maths programme in your pc and download the 65 days shichida maths course. Here’s the link for the 65 days course:;pg=14;sortby=date;orderby=desc . Hope you enjoy the course.
:slight_smile: agnesdecham

Hi Pranjaliz,

I think I didn’t get your question correctly at the very first place. For the 65 days maths programme, you can start anytime as young as 4 months as long as you find your baby can start paying attention to you. :biggrin:
