How do I get my sixteen month old to focus?

I am having a difficult time getting my son to focus on the flashcards. He enjoys being read to, but when I flash the cards, he looks away. How do I get him to focus on the words? Should I make them bigger? They are at about 100 font now. I should have started a few months ago when he wasn’t so active! :frowning: Now all he wants to do is play and move around! I tried the PowerPoint and he is a little more interested because there are pictures, but again…he looks at the pictures and when the words come up, he turns his head. Any suggestions?

Frustrated Mom

I hope my experience to help you. I started showing flashcard when my son was 11 months old. At the begginning, he was eager to learn. I taught him 5 cards per day. Nearly a month, he get bored with cards. I showed 3 cards then he turned his head away., After that his attention was reduced 3 cards to 2 cards. I took several days off to check out all. I realiazed that I did not make fun before learning flashcards as I was used to. As I have done with my son, before teaching your child, you show your happy, fun voices to talk to him. The child loves that sound. Until now my son (14 months old) are keen, happy and eager to start learning new words.
Hopes for helps.

I agree with the fun voice… also you may want to make it more interactive - start with words for body parts or action etc when you can demonstrate by tickling their body parts (hand, arms, legs etc) or by demonstrating what they mean (walk, jump, sit, stand etc).

16 months is just the age when many kids are having lots of fun discovering the new joys of moving around. Both of my boys lost interest in reading and other educational activities around that age, no doubt because they were so busy simply moving around. But in a few more months they were back to reading and watching educational presentations, etc., more than ever. My younger son is 22 months and he went through a phase like that, but now he loves to read and look at educational stuff more than ever.