how do I deal with this?

Hi all,

Erm, my son has been a very hyper child from 6months on! And unlike all other kids I know, his hyper active ways are not confined to home only. he’s hyper everywhere I go… He runs around in even if it first visit to the place!

In my community, hyperactivity is cosidered Disobedient! and now with time and education this thought has changed to parents not being able to parent well… in other words our kids are hyper because we are not in control of them, cos we dont know how to raise them!

Its been bugging me so much that I have stopped taking him to places with other kids even cos hes hyper. But I really feel bad when I go to places and see that people distance them cos my son is too hyper and I advice my son to not be too hyper when we visit places… But now I think I am making him feel that him being hyper is bad (which I dont believe!) and that people dont love him cause of this!!! I love that hes hyper and I believe its his ever so active brain… he’s hyper at home when we are alone even!

I need help BADLY!

Wow, that’s a hard one. Hyperactivity can be difficult to deal with when society sees it as a negative. There are those that sterotype hyperactive children as being destructive and disobedient. Society has a long ways to go when it comes to learning about hyperactive children. Even harder is you can’t make people feel any different than what they do no matter what the issue maybe.
Parents of children with physical disabilities deal with it just the same. The rude comments, the stares, etc, are enough to make any parent want to slap the person upside the head and think , “Are you for real?”

Hi Kyles Mom,

I am no expert at parenting, I just have a few suggestions: try to find a way for him to channel his energy- some sport? swimming etc- sports help children in many ways than we can imagine- ’ a sound mind in a sound body’

Its easy for me to say- but try not to let him know that you are worried about this- children are very sensitive and pick up on their moms emotions easily.

Best of luck- I am sure you will find a way to handle this. One of my friends told me ‘God always helps moms’ :slight_smile:

Take care.