How did you pick your username?

My nickname is how most of my friends and family called me. It is an abreviation of my name. So nothing exciting about it :wub: but there are some very funny, funky and interesting nicknames here. So I wonder what is the story behind it or if it may be just part of the different backgrounds.

Share your story! :wink:

Mine may be “funky” but it isn’t really funny…so, sorry if this is a downer.

I had three miscarriages before being able to carry my son to term. While the babies were in my uterus we prayed for them and talked to them regularly. It seemed so impersonal to just refer to them as “the baby” so we gave them each a nickname that we would call them while they were inside of me. They’d get their real names later.

I used the first two letters from each of their names: Kipper, Zulu, and Doodle.

I don’t have a nickname or anything, but my baby gets called Bubal, PJ, and Poopy a lot. I hope none of them stick!


I’m sorry about the miscarriages. :frowning: It is a very touching story and it is wonderful that you keep the babies so close to your heart.

I totally understand about not wanting to call your baby as “the baby” since the momento we kenw it was a girl we always talked about Valerie (that is my daughter’s name)

Now that you mentioned it, I used the wrong word :nowink: I meant your username :wacko:

Jillpea is my nickname as a child. My dad often called me Jillpea as my full name is Jillian. My two best friends still often call me by this name (especially in writing). I just always liked it.

I used to have a full head of thick curly red hair. My ex-boss now husband started calling me Kimba after 'Kimba the white lion" It also worked well because my name is Kimberley. It has stuck ever since now every one calls me Kimba

Now that you mentioned it, I used the wrong word :nowink: I meant your username :wacko:
Oh! Ok, I get it. Mine comes from my husband, he is in a fraternity and that is what they call the fraternity wives/girlfriends. There is a song and everything that they sang at our wedding reception!

My username was actually a dogs’ name but I liked it too much so took it over. :slight_smile:

Many, Many, Many years ago my mom was trying to come up with a registered name for our greyhound so she used me & my 2 younger sisters names’ and combined them all kinds a way. JeKayDa won. (Jennifer, Kaylan, Chanda)
(My sisters are only 1 yr apart from each other and we refer to them as J & K, so that’s were their part came from).

I liked the thought so much I later opened a business using that name so signed all of my documents and letters like that and it’s stuck ever since. :wub:

Thanks to all for sharing! I think that is amazing how different situations or peoplem impact our lifes and change them for ever. :slight_smile: