How can I start teaching my 27 mo old math?

She can count to twenty, but I would like to teach her math, I guess like addition and subtraction. A few times I have showed her on my fingers things like 2 plus 2 is 4, etc, and she copies with her own fingers and is interested. But what else can I do? Just the same thing but with objects? I dont want to do Doman dot cards. Please inspire me so I can get started doing something somehow! We do lots of reading stuff but not really anything with math.

I have a 26th month and we have started more math. I use the method of using old recycled milk lids to count to add more or take away are the words that I use. I have a worksheets printed from www.tlsbooks. com i think that I use. They have simple math worksheets. We use the milk lids, foam big beads, plastic cars, or animals and we add more or take away. It takes some time but the child will understand if you use words that they already know like more, and take away. We also use a dry erase board to write the problem with a box for the answer. We also use felt teddy bears and a matt to add the teddy bears up that equals the number of the card. You can also use big foam dice, and then make the number with pretzels or so on. on youtube there are some great hands on videos some are montesorri but they still work for us. Anything hands on we love. Also you could get a platic container place a couple of m&m’s or round cereal balls etc in it and seal it up, allow the child to count each one as he/she eats, we are taking away the cereal. This is fun! I hope this helped?

I would suggests you play addition and subtraction for your child when she is sleeping.
Besides, I count the cereal with my son…hey…how many cereal do you have in your bowl…now how many do you want to eat…or how many cereal can goes into your cute tummy…

You can also play th addition and subtraction music at the backound and run around the hse with her…or even dance with her and sing along…

You also can try to play hide and seek with your child. Example, put 5 biscuits on a plate. then start counting 1-5 aloud. then take away 2 biscuits and ask your child where did the 2 biscuit go? since you cant find it, how many left on the plate? Count aloud…then say loudly 5 take away 2 left 3 for X (your girl’s name) tummy…then tickle her…this is a fun way…
you also can do counting on the bed…count how many pillows on the bed…1 pillow for mommy ADD 1 pillow for daddy now we have 2…if we add your the 2 ADD 1 we have 3 on the bed…the lift your girl up and turn her around and sing her I love u song…and praise her…eventually she will feel being loved and will enjoy math…

Great ideas both of you! Can you tell me the name of the addition and subtraction music you mentioned mmom?

Hi Plarka1,

The addition cd I bought from shichida center. But, you can also get it from bookstores like MPH or even go to this singapore website to purchase it;
This is an alternative option for those who cant get directly from shichida or else where. But, you can also record your own on a cd…I also did that.

I show my 25 month old daughter cards with numerals on (1 + 3 = 4 for example) and then we count out the blocks - 1 and then 3 and then take those 4 blocks and stack them on the side that says equals 4. (That way you only need 4 blocks instead of 8 and she gets that you are adding them) She still likes knocking over the towers but that keeps it fun.

She has also started doing addition herself in some ways - Mummy you have two and I have one then I’ll give her one of the ones I have and she says: “Mummy I have two and you have one” and give her the third one: “I have three and you have nought” I find when she does it herself it seems to work better - I just have to try to find ways where she will show her knowledge of numbers.