How can I prepare for my unborn child's education?

Hi mummies!

I am due in a week and want to start preparing for my child’s education. What’s the best way to go about doing this? I have absolutely no idea where to start or WHEN to start.

Can anyone help me?

Thank you in advance!!

Congratulations leylap,

I would recommend starting with sensory “lessons” helping baby adjust to the feel of their body with the new limitations of gravity etc. This could be gentle rocking side to side and forward backward. Baby massage will be useful, breastfeeding if you can will help visual and touch and more importantly bonding - although bottle feeding can be done in a nursing way too.

I wouldn’t worry about starting anything formal or planned until several months time. Give you and your baby time to get to know each other and enjoy the wonders of seeing it all anew. All we did initially was read books to baby and sing lullabies - oh and rocked and swayed

checked out the vestibular system - something that i wish i’d known about prebirth

best of luck for the big event

Have you researched the different methods of educating your child? I would decide what method you would like to begin with now and start preparing, such as creating material whether it be printing or collecting flashcards, downloading powerpoints, buying videos, making hands-on games, etc. Having materials on hand will make your life much easier. Preparing anything with a baby on hand can be very overwhelming.

reading reading reading

I recommend to start with this
Natural Parenting ― Back to Basics in Infant Care

on tummy since the first day
you can do infant stimulation cards since first weeks (search google for this)
math, reading you can start with 3 months (I started math at 4, words at 7)
but be relaxed about it

I think, it is very important to give the possibility to develop fine motor skills. first months are important. I mean - toys with various texture, with rough surface etc., with various details.

If you will do math, I recommend to start with physical flash cards (you can print up to 40 dots on A4) and than switch to screen. So you will learn the system and the attitude.

Wow guys thanks so much for the really insightful advice. I’m going to start preparing some flashcards, videos and games I think and, as per Tilly’s advice, work with nature to get the baby used to his surroundings. Thanks so much for your help ladies and best of luck with your babies :slight_smile:
