How can I help my child to socialise?

I am very poor at socialising and so do my husband. I am not good at creating long lasting friendships. I don’t want my son to become like me. I want him to have very good friends. How can I help him to be outgoing. Is it more of a personality or can it be nurtured?

I now live away from my relatives and friends. My son is just 1 year old but I am worried a lot that there are not many people here with whom he can interact. When we go out to the park, he goes to the children saying ‘baby, baby’. But people here are in general very introverts and the kids are also like that. They don’t speak back to my child and walk back.

Do you have any suggestions like how I can help him to be more social.

If you have the means to do so, I would enroll him in some kind of interactive class if you are concerned. The content doesn’t really matter as long as it’s interactive with the teacher/other students. Something like gymboree would probably be fine, ot even story time at the library. At our library, the kids usually play afterward in the children’s area although the story time itself is just really interactive with the other kids.

Basically, I would just give him frequent opportunities to be social. If you do meet other moms, maybe you could work up the courage to invite them over for a standing playdate every other week? is a good place to source playgroups and you can often interact on the message forums before meeting in person. Or maybe the Mommies Network. For you, since social things are difficult I would try to find an outlet with a message forum so you might feel more comfortable before meeting them IRL for the first time.

Thank you so much TmT. I will try all the ideas. I had forgotten about story time in library. Will have to check out - thanks for reminding.