How are you doing your encyclopedia knowledge program?

I’m thinking about starting my daughter in EK, but I want to have clear in my head first how I’m going to do it. I read the post about how to do it with the 10 magnitudes, but honestly it sounds like a lot of work :wub: There are many EK files here to download, but I’m not sure if you should just show them these files before you have taught the single words or to check which presentations you want to show and create the “just word + picture” presentation first. I’m not saying I’m not going to do it, but would like to hear from people that are doing EK program on how they are doing it, what has worked for them and what things they did that wouldn’t do again.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

I haven’t done terribly much EK with my daughter, but have made some categories on LR which do teach EK - basically I just did it as for the learning to read - word then picture and made short sets to show her and then saw what she is interested in. These days she is more interested in books and when she shows and interest in something I’ll make a category for it - she was quite interested in boats the other day, so I am busy making a category with boat words (keel, hull, sail etc and types of boats too)

Personally I find it easier (and better for me) if she gets the information in other forms first and then the LR becomes revision and vocabulary that can be flashed. I know its not how its suggested and I don’t just simply find 10 facts about the item to tell her - I just tell her what I can think of or have researched a bit. If she’s really interested we take her to a site on the internet about it and show her pictures on a single site while skimming the info and telling her new things. I have also started introducing a lot of non fiction books to her which we get from the library and this has helped a lot though it is often hard to find age appropriate books.

I would play around with it a bit and find out what works for you and your child. Doman’s method is great, but for me it was a little too legalistic and set - I wanted something less formal for me and my daughter - if I wanted to tell her twenty facts about something then I can, if I only want to share 5 thats fine too.

I just got done working on the encyclopedic knowledge section of my doman-related web site so I’m primed on the subject. We haven’t started any POI, however I have been getting my powerpoints ready.

Here’s what I’ve been writing. It’s been taking me more time than what I have. :slight_smile:

Over the past week, we have been doing very well. In addition to Little Reader and Little Math, we did ten powerpoints at least twice daily with their favorites shown more often. These are just word + picture files.

We’ve also done what Tanikit is doing. Over the past several weeks, Dirk has been very interested in lava, butterflies, and mosquities. I’ve made different books for him that are interactive. He knows the stories by heart. I throw in a lot of words that he would not normally hear like magma and vector. He won’t know that they are more obscure words this way! :wink: He begs to read them over and over.

Thank you to both for your replies! I think that it would be really hard to do the 10 magnitutes about everything. It is nice that you guys already know what kind of things your kids may be interested in. Valerie is too little right now to let me know what interestes her the most (I do know she likes math :yes: ). So I think I’m just going to do random themes or categories until I figure out what she likes the most and just do the POI based on the information I have on hand.


Have you posted here the powerpoint presentations you were talking about?

I actually can’t find them. I saved them on a work computer. I’ve tried drive 1-10, and they are not there. I found tons of other things, though, from a couple years back both work related and not. I did POI on different bodies of water. I actually really learned a lot from doing it. I’m sure that they will show up. I did other presentations that day too so I hope that I find them.

It takes me about an hour to do 10 POI for ten slides. I used Wikipedia for my information. There were one or two slides on one of the presentations that I didn’t have 10 POI (only made it 6-7) just because the topic became that narrow.

I’m in the same boat as you are with Derek (almost 7 mo.). I really don’t know what REALLY interests him. So far he likes everything which is easy on me. Dirk (2.5), on the other hand, definitely has his favorites. Showing people to him like composers and inventorers is a waste of time for me because he has no interest in them.

I totally just found two of my last presentations. One is a POI (bodies of water starting with the letters “A” and “B”). The second one is just one that is supposed be for this week. :slight_smile:

Here’s the link. It’s awaiting approval! :slight_smile:;id=6735