Dear all,

In the last few weeks I read a lot about Vitamin D, as my husband and I are both deficient in this vitamin and it is said to cause a lot of health problems.

So, I was reading today and came across a really interesting article on Autism and Vitamin D deficiency. Do you think autism could be cured or the symptoms reduced by taking Vitamin D? It sounds too good to be true… but I believe, this is really worth to give it a try.

Here is the blog entry and different links, please read as it may be the most important information you read about autism cure!


I have a son with a preliminary diagnosis. He is incredibly high functioning. And my husband is also.

Do I think there is a cure? No. It isn’t a curable disease. In fact it isn’t a disease at all. To me ASD is akin to missing an arm. You can’t change diet or administer a drug to make the arm grow and function anymore than one can cure autism… Yet. Hopefully one day. However a person without an arm can be given a prosthesis and got through a lot of therapy to gain some function. A person with ASD can be given a variety of tools (PECS, weighted vests etc) and therapy and have amazing results.

Can one lived a fulfilled typical life? Certainly.
Can all ASD children become independent? No. There are so many varying degrees of severity that some children on the lower functions ends are just unable to benefit.

As for Vitamin D deficiency? If it were that simple parents would be curing autism all around the world with a little sunshine or Vit D supplement.

Keep reading about this. Google for Autism and Diet. There’s numerous links. Also Google for Autism and KETONES. Autism and MCT, and coconut oil. Also read comments of parents at the end of some articles. All the best.

My son was diagnosed with high functioning ASD. He is 5 years old and he is taking all necessary therapy he needs. He can do so much all by himself. He can prepare food and get his own drink. I think Vitamin D does not help cure ASD.

I know there are a lot of things people have been trying for autism - gluten free, dairy free diets with no colourants and preservatives seem to get some good reports and this will explain why Vitamin D may be linked (along with calcium and magnesium) - since gluten intolerance results in a lack of absorption of many of these minerals and vitamins in sufficient quantities. However, I do not know enough about autism to comment on whether there can be a cure or not - what I do know is that dietary issues cause a huge amount of problems. I know a child with autism who I have watched deteriorate in the last two years despite being a lot of therapy. His mother has Crohn’s and I am interested whether other autoimmune issues are linked with autism which is not known as an autoimmune condition at present. Seems there is a lot of research to be done.

I don’t know. Do I think Vitamin D is the answer? Maybe a piece to a very large puzzle for some people with autism. But do I think Autism is incurable ? I don’t know about that either. I have seen so much changes in my youngest in the last 3 months with NAET, maybe its possible.

Also research magnesium and B6. Test for MTHFR as well and supplement as necessary. Always hang on to hope! Hugs!

If you want to administer high-dose vitamin D to your child, first test your child’s vitamin D level. I think it is particularly important that high doses of vitamin D be given with vitamin D’s co-nutrients, which include at least 80/day mcg of vitamin K2, at least 125 mg/day of magnesium, 2 mg/day of boron and 10 mg/day zinc.