Homeschooling: Under Pressure all over Europe, good changes in some US states!

Here is the link to an interesting article I just read…

Thought to share

I am scared of the thought of possibly loosing the right to teach my children at home. I would feel like I woul be loosing a huge gift and even my responsiblity.

Thank you for sharing that article.

It truly is a blessing that, at least for right now, in the US we have the right to homeschool our kids. It is scary to see what’s happening inthe world today & the so called “children’s rights” in reality steal the parents’ rights to raise their children away to give this right to teh government.
I remember reading some articles how the homeschoolign was outlawed in Germany by Hitler, who unlike today’s politicians who are trying to cover up their real intentions, didn’t feel he needed to cover them up - the basic idea was: we need robots who will do what we want them to for the “best interests” of our country, thus we cannot take chances of giving education of the coming up generation, that’s our future, into the hands of parents who might teache them morals & believes that differ from ours.
ALl that to say, this is where the world is heading & we’d better do all we can to prepare our children for a lot more troublesome world than we’ve ever imagined. We also are to pray for those families, in WE in particular, who are being persecuted & imprisoned for thier God-given right to teach their children they believe is best.
A word of comfort, if you happened to be a parent that wants to homeschool your kids, but either because of the laws of the country or another reason it is not possible, take comfort in God’s promises of His care for His children wherever they are. Also remember, just because their scholastics are taught to them by someone else, their spiritual/moral training are your right & responsibility. Take time to bathe your children in prayer when they are away & make the time, whatever the cost, to connect with your children, to communicate with them, & to instill in them your values. Spending time with your children is the most important thing you can do; and it’s the greatest investment of your lifetime!
God bless each one of you, hero parents, who’re giving your lives daily to invest in your kids!

I found was I was needing at that same website. I even found my state and county advocate for homeschooling. This is a great site for info. I even found my state’s homeschooling packet that I can use for high school.

Mother of faith, so glad it was a help! :slight_smile: