Homeschooling the Gifted: A Parent's Perspective (Article)


Homeschooling has witnessed a dramatic growth over the past decade. Included in this population are gifted and talented students, yet despite this growth there has been no appreciable increase in the research literature. To better understand the gifted homeschooling family, researchers interviewed 13 parents of homeschooled children their parents identified as being gifted. Four major themes emerged from the data: (a) parents know best, (b) isolation, (c) challenges, and (d) family roles. Findings reveal that these parents decided to homeschool only after numerous attempts to work in collaboration with the public school and that the mothers bore the primary burden of responsibility for homeschooling in these families. Though the move to homeschooling alleviated many of the issues experienced in public school, it brought a different set of challenges to these families. This exploratory study establishes a better understanding of why parents of gifted children ultimately decide to homeschool.


(I don’t have access to the full article, but the summary is pretty powerful and thought provoking.)

Thanks. It’s interesting that the parents noted the isolation in gifted children but also their parents. I think it would be hard enough being a non religious home schooler in most places but to be gifted as well would make you a minority.
Thank goodness for the Internet making the world a smaller place.

Thank you for sharing the article!