Homeschooling and income??

I currently teach at a private school part time so my kids can attend, but I’m having a baby at the end of the summer, so I think I’m going to dive into homeschooling. My kids are now 3 and 5. Any ideas for a small, part time income from home?

Daycare provider

Freelancer -, for instance, different big categories to choose from, they have free webinars of presentation around the world.

KL suggested me once article writer / it’s same with freelancer, you are paid per article.

Sometimes, your own skills and activities and dedication in life may bring you the job you need because people see you, like you and recommend you for the great job you’ve done.

If you have skills involving home made stuff, you can make it and sell it on you website, on facebook etc. There are many ways. I believe that you have to be known by something of your own and word will spread out and you’ll grow financially.


Thank you, Andrea!!