homeschooling a single child

My son is 21 months now so we’ve got some time to think things out, but we’re seriously looking at homeschooling as an option. (As someone else pointed out in a different thread, we’re all homeschooling by giving our kids YBCR, LR, Little Pim, etc, but I’m referring to official “my kid is kindergarten age we need to tell the government” homeschooling)

I’m wondering if there’s anyone out there who is or who knows of a family who homeschools an only child. Do you think it is significantly different to homeschool just one child as opposed to a larger family group? Is there anything I should be concerned with in regards to it being a “just mommy & me” thing? I plan to sign him up for music, gymnastics, & miscellaneous other group lessons. I guess what I’m really looking for is assurance that he’ll be no worse for wear if we teach him alone at home as opposed to sending him to a group setting as in a public school.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

I know of several single child homeschooling families the key if you are concerned with social skills would be to find an early learner co-op for homeschooled children, an afterschool program, 4H, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc. We here have formed our own early learning group. As far as the one teacher idea, allow other adults in the child’s life, a neighbor that you trust, another family member, etc. to help you with some areas of the curricula, telling a story, coloring with the child. Even the mailcarrier or garbage service plays a role in the child’s education by watching and studying the community around the child. Not personal internaction but allowing the child know it’s surroundings and his/her community workers. Our local unicersity also offers community education during the summer for children of all ages to attend. Their are several homeschool groups that allow non-members to join them in free PE class or Art classes.

The area that I see is that some children get bored with homeschooling if there isn’t a variety in the curricula. For example some parents use only textbooks, some only use the internet, some only have 1 teacher, but in my opinion if the child seems to be happy and does better with one adult which some do then that is the way to go. Every child is differnet. I have worked for years wiht 1 child before but having other say the gym coach, the artist, and so on to expand the child’s education beyond what I oculd give the child.

Nowadays with the virtual online schools the child does have several teachers, an dnot just one. The parents play the role of supervision more than the educator. So it really depends upon the method of homeschooling that you plan on using.

Be sure to check with your government and or state to find out the legal details of homeschooling. HSLDA, homeschool legal defense association can help you in that.

My daughter is 28 months old now and we are starting to homeschool her this year - while we played around with it last year, we are a little more organised this year. I do worry about the single child thing - in actual fact I am hoping to fall pregnant sometime this year, although that might be wishful thinking. For now though she is still very little and goes to a Moms and Tots group every Friday and Sunday School with a big group of children on Sundays. I was told by a psychologost who runs a gifted school that this is perfectly fine while they are still under three years of age and even beyond this. I think though that later my daughter would need to join a homeschool coop group and also do sports at some of the local schools that host homeschool teams.

Kizudo, if I recall correctly you are from Manitoba. Check the homeschool regulations in MB. I know in SK a homeschooled child is allowed full access to the schools, including extra-cirricular activities such as art, sports, music, etc. I am also considering the idea of homeschooling, perhaps with some school time. In SK it does not have to be an all or non option. The schools are manidated to provide as much service as a homeschool parent requests, including allowing the child to attend school part time. I like the idea of using the school as a resource to not only help with cirriculum, but help with certain subjects (I’m thinking French, Gym, and also perhaps science).

I believe that as long as you are aware your child needs some social interaction and provide it in some way, then homeschooling an only child is still better than sending them to school full time. Good Luck. I’m also very interested in what others have to post on the idea. Although I hope my dd is not on only child for too much longer.

Thanks for all your thoughts.

I’ve just found out that there is a Christian homeschooling organization here in MB and they are having a conference in March. I’m hoping to attend - hear the speakers, see the curriculum and pick the brains of many homeschool moms/dads! My boy is now 22 months old and I’m thrilled that I can see the obvious effects of my input on his learning. I (great big capital “I”) want to be the one who provides him with what he needs - not try to fit him into a “one size fits all” system.

I hope we’re the same as SK in regards to access to schools, though. I’ll definitely be looking into that. Thanks for bringing that up, Khatty. I just assumed only the american schools did this. One of my american friends that I met through this board sends her kids to school for music/band/chorale classes - something I certainly know nothing about…I think they also do chemistry & biology… Sure would be nice to have access to experienced professionals when I needed it! Or rather, when my son needs it!