Homeschooled parents homeschooling their children

How many of you have been homeschooled yourself and now are homeschooling your children or someone elses? I heard on the TV the other day about homeschooling parents homeschooling their own children and how that the children’s IQ’s were better then the average children of the same age. The TV was talking about how that Colleges and Univerisities were accepting more and more homeschooled children and 2nd homeschooled families, meaning their parents were homeschooled as well. Any thoughts on the subject?

I would be interested in seeing this study.

When we think of homeschooling there are two different categories - those that follow a curriculum and have their children take standardized tests, and those that are “unschooled” and don’t follow a system and make up their own. I have not looked at studies, but it seems logical that children in the first category would do better. Also, without having the facts infront of me, it seems like the majority of homeschoolers has shifted from the unschooled to those following a program over the last couple decades. And, there are so many more resources that are available now - like using a computer tutorial to teach math if you are not skilled in math.

Personally, I grew up in a place and time with great public education. I attended school, completed a double undergraduate degree and a masters degree. Prior to having children it was always my view that attending school was better for children than being home schooled. Now that I am looking at schools for my daughter, and I live in a different country and time, I am considering home schooling her if I cannot find an appropriate other option.

I wonder if the study you mentioned took into account how much post secondary education the home schooled parent had?

It wasn’t an article or website to go to like I said I just heard it on the TV. I was flipping through the channels and come across them talking. But however I did find a kind of article which is a long one going along with the same topic.;col1

It is around 7 pages or more.

I’m not saying that I agree with what I heard, or what I have read in this long article. I do believe that differnet universities, cultures, areas of the world all play a role in home schooling and what standards each one has. They are all differnet.

Unschooling is more popular here in my area then scheduled bought or pre-created curricula. I personally like having a schedule and so does the parents of our co-op.

Revising the first topic.

As far as the original post are there any homeschooled parents homeschooling their children out there? Are they in college now, etc. Do you because you were homeschooled think that it helped you to homeschool your children easier, etc.