I am ready to start teaching my child at home and I was wondering if anyone knew where i could find a curriculum
I am ready to start teaching my child at home and I was wondering if anyone knew where i could find a curriculum
here are some websites i have noted
Zaku! Thank you! It is always nice to have a list of sites that have been reviewed and are noted as favourites. I’m excited to look through what you’ve offered!
Here are some I use. You can adapt the K for pre-school
www.theheadoftheclass.com free curriculum up to grade 2 (will go all the way to grade 8)
http://www.lessonpathways.com/ free curriculum through 5th grade (may go up to grade 8) Lots of HANDS on activities
I also like:
Here are some more
www.carolscorner.us.com has awesome free resources
What great ideas and resources. Thank you.
I meant to also include this link to another BrillKids forum thread. It’s not really K learning, but the resources in this list have some terrific PreK ideas. Many of them are blogs/websites I read and use with my kids.
Thanks for all the links. I have started my DD on Sonlight P3/4 curriculum (www.sonlight.com) but like to borrow things from other curricula too.
I’m amazed that nobody has mentioned www.starfall.com - a great, free phonics based reading program. Thanks in part to Starfall, my girly knew her phonics before age one!
I’m looking to find this out as well! It seems like this is a great topic to discuss and I’m looking to see what comes from future research.
homeschool Curriculum | online english course
Wow! so many links!
Thanks to all for sharing.
Now I’m confuse where to start
Okay it can be very confusing. If you want a really good curricula for 1 year old to 6 year old go to http://www.abcmouse.com/home_page if you want to go to first grade to 8th grade go here www.time4learning.com if you need help creating your curriucula for your LO I can help you set up one. But remember check your state laws regarding homeschooling.
If you want me to help you create a curricula base don your childs abilities then let me know. We do this as a service to help the community.
Thanks for the offer, Mother Of Faith!
I’m living in Indonesia, not USA.
I tried to visit the website http://www.abcmouse.com/home_page, but there was nothing. It’s for member only.
It costs $8.00 a month but it is worth it. It is a full curriculum.